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DISCLAIMER: Nick and Charlie are already dating!! Y/n is American

Y/n = your name
E/c = eye color
F/c = favorite color
Y/s = your sexuality


Y/n rolled over, smacking the snooze button on his alarm clock. Rubbing the sleep out of his e/c eyes, he slowly sat up, reaching out to turn his alarm off completely. He got out of bed, throwing on a f/c T-shirt and gray sweatpants. It was his first day at Truham since he transferred from America, but he wasn't too worried.
He silently slipped down the steps, into the kitchen(obviously grabbing his favorite on-the-go breakfast), and out the door. His family moved awfully close to the school, so all he had to do was bike a few blocks. Y/n got onto his f/c bike, and began his journey to Truham. He would be going into year 11 - which was the equivalent to 10th grade in his home country. The only thing he was really worried about, was being made fun of for:

1) being American
2) being apart of the lgbtq+ community
and 3) for being only 5'5"

But, other than that, he was pretty sure his year wouldn't be too shitty. He even already had an online friend that went there: Charlie Spring. And, he wouldn't have to worry about his parents finding out his sexuality - he already had that talk with them months ago.
The school came into view, towering above the buses that were dropping kids off. Y/n parked his bike, securing it with an overly complicated lock that he spent about 20$ on back in America. No had ever cracked the code. And no one ever would because he used a pretty fuckin weird code.
Y/n began to walk over to the entrance where many teenagers were conversating. He scanned his surroundings, looking for his friend's familiar face. When he spotted Charlie waving a goodbye to his sister, Tori, he ran over tapped him on the shoulder.
"Y/n!" Charlie exclaimed when he turned around. "It's so good to see you! I can't believe you actually get to go to the same school as me!"
"Factssss! I can hardly believe it myself!" He said, bouncing a little. Y/n had to look up at Charlie, since the younger boy was literally 6 inches taller than him.
"I always forget how short you are, you seem taller online!" Welp, here it is already. "You have to meet my friends."
And with that, y/n was dragged along by Charlie over to a table with 6 people sitting at it.
Charlie began to introduce them, "This is Isaac, Elle, Tara, and Darcy's the one next to her. On the other side we have Tao and my boyfriend, Nick," Charlie then gestured to y/n. "Everyone, meet my friend y/n! He moved here from America, we've been online friends for two years."
Y/n gave them a slight wave with an awkward smile. He then turned to Charlie, "Wait. You have a boyfriend and you didn't even tell me!?"
Charlie chuckled sheepishly, "Whoops, I thought I told you."
Darcy spoke up from beside Tara, "Aw man, I don't think I could ever get used to American accents. But you seem gay enough, y/n."
The group burst out with laughter, "Well I am y/s," y/n told them. But before they could talk anymore, a warning bell rang, and it was time to head to class.
They all said their goodbyes and went their separate ways. Y/n didn't have too much trouble finding his class, he had been to a tour over the weekend. He entered the classroom, finding it dotted with people he didn't know.
"Hey, you're over here next to me, Shorty!" a boy who looked to be about 5'10" and very annoyingly straight waved him over. Y/n sighed and rolled his eyes, maybe this year would be bad.
Y/n sat down, letting out an annoyed huff.
"I'm Harry - Harry Greene. You must be that transfer from America?"
"It's funny that you ask that after I sat down," y/n remarked. "But, yes, I am. My name's y/n, nice to meet you, I guess," he stuck out his hand for Harry to shake, and, to y/n's surprise, he actually did.
"Nice to meet you too... I guess," Harry rolled his eyes, mocking y/n. Y/n laughed, and, despite his attempt to stop it, a slight blush creeped onto his face - he just hoped it was from embarrassment.

and.... 1 is finished!!

Feel free to give me punctuation/grammar/spelling help!

Keep the comments nice, and understand that I'm making this for fun, so if you don't like how the story is playing out you can give suggestions, but I might not take them!

Cya in the next chapter <3

Can I Tell You a Secret? - Male reader x Harry GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now