Comincia dall'inizio

Grammar : 15/20

The grammar are negligible

Interaction : 5/10

The author doesn't interact with readers

Draw : 4/5

The story is quite interesting with lot of twists and turn.

Overall : 17/20

The overall impression of the story is different want to read it more.

Total : 78/100

4) Connected by heart by Poohbear8435

Title : 4/5

The title itself is very attractive and want to peep in.

Cover + Blurb : 8/10

The cover has the photos of the title which feels like it's connected to each other.

Originality + Creativity : 8/10

The story has its own original concept abou the person loosing his memory and how his partner helps him to create new memories.

Character development : 15/20

The character development is as per the pace of the story demands.

Grammar : 18/20

The language flow of the story is fine with negligible grammar mistake which can be ignored.

Interaction : 5/10

The author doesn't like to interact with readers for their valuable feedback

Draw : 3/5

The story really grips to read more and more.

Overall : 18/20

The story concept is different and we may see this in serials or movie but it's really important for our today's life to understand that we can also go through this and what will happen if it's happens. Nice concept keep it up.

Total : 79/100

5) You light up my heart by Shanny9988

Title : 4/5

The title of the story is long and attractive.

Cover + Blurb : 8/10

The cover has the photo of couple and the description is small.

Originality + Creativity : 8/10

The story is totally the imagination of the author which is quite original in its true sense.

Character Development : 18/20

The character progress is as per the requirements of the story demands.

Grammar : 18/20

The grammar of the story is good.

Interaction : 9/10

The author is very kind enough to interact with the readers which is best part.

Draw : 4/5

The flow of the story is good

Overall : 18/20

The story about the actress and their side effects of this industry keep it up 👍.

Total : 87/100

6) Inseparable Souls by mehaklovely

Title : 4/5

The title is attractive

Cover + Blurb : 8/10

The cover has the photo of the happy couple.

Originality + Creativity : 8/10

The story concept is totally imaginative.

Character Development : 17/20

The character of the story are as per the demand of the story.

Grammar : 17/20

The grammar of the story is good.

Interaction : 7/10

The author replies to the comments of the readers not all but some.

Draw : 4/5

The flow of the story is good like to read more.

Overall : 17/20

The overall impression of the story is different and the concept is really original.

Total : 82/100

THE FANFICTION AWARDS 2022 (SECOND EDITION) (COMPLETED) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora