"Aye, you actually made it" she exclaims with a wide smile

"I wouldn't pass up an opportunity to learn from a hero of your status and skill" I respond

"Either way, I'm happy to see you showed up. Ready to work your ass off" she asks, her smile now turned to a devious smirk

"Uh...I guess so" I respond, a little frightened by her change in attitude

"Great" she says

The next couple of hours were nothing less than absolute hell. Mirko put me through the fucking ringer and almost me. I thought she was enjoying it. The way she was shouting, "RUN FASTER!!!" and "GET UP MAGGOT!!!" made it seem like she was getting some sick, twisted pleasure out of watching me. What really sold it was when she bursted out laughing when I passed out.

The workout consisted of a 5 mile run, non stop by the way, 40 meter sprints for an hour, squats, deadlifts, lunges, 100 yard sprints for 30 minutes, a 20 mile run, 200 push ups, and a ten minute plank. The entire thing took about 4 hours in total and completely killed my body

"You didn't do too bad kid" she chuckled as she sat cross legged next to my laying body

"Thanks" I pant sarcastically, "Do you...do that...everyday?"

"I used to, but I've updated it to make it harder for myself" she says, "What you just did was my beginner workout"

"Oh lovely" I sigh sarcastically

"I mean it though, you did good" she says as she lightly punches my thigh

"When do we start the combat training?" I ask

"How presumptuous of you?" She smirks, "To think that this wasn't a one time thing"

"Was it?" I ask

"It was supposed to be, but I like the cut of your jib kid. Plus, from what I've heard, you have a lot of raw talent and a strong ass quirk. It'd be a shame to let someone like that go to waste because of a lack of physical skills" she says, "So I'll train you for...let's see...isn't the UA Sports Festival happening soon?"

"In 2 weeks yeah" I say

"Then for two weeks, I'll train you" she says, "But after that you're on your own"

"Really?" I exclaim as I sit up in giddy excitement

I swear I saw her blush a little bit when I sprung up, but it was probably just my fatigue

"Uh...yeah" she stutters

"HELL YEAH!!!" I exclaim before falling back over

"Same time tomorrow" Mirko says, "Don't be late"

I walk home, slowly and painfully. When I get there, I grab an egg salad sandwich from the store and a bag of chips before heading up to the roof. I scarf down the food and fall asleep the second I lay down


Th next day started with most of the school swarming the door to 1A, leaving all of us confused and overwhelmed

"What the hell do y'all want" I shout

"Do you have some kind of business with us" Iida asks

"They're scouting out the competition dipshit" Bakugo grumbles, "We're the class that survived a real villain attack. They want to see us with their own eyes"

Bakugo then walks over to the crowd and smirks proudly

"At least you know what a future pro looks like" he says cockily, "Now move it, extras"

Of Earth and Fist(Male Reader x Mirko)Where stories live. Discover now