It was, in fact, very hard.

Peter, who had decided to do the same thing, looked like he was doing it effortlessly with two hands, whilst Nina felt like her arm was about to get ripped off her limb, despite the extra help from her suit.

Nevertheless, she persisted. Even when Peter hit his head against the bell, not once, but twice. Even when she almost lost her balance, trying to keep the tower steady.

But despite her and Peter's giant efforts to keep the tower safe and sound, it doesn't work - and the girl lets out a terrible yelp as her fingers slip off the webs; and maybe her hitting her head on one of the columns is the last straw for Peter too, because he immediately abandons trying to keep the tower safe - instead, he grabs Nina, swinging her away from where the tower is about to crash and lands the two of them at a nearby roof; out of the area of danger.

Nina watches, a pang hitting her chest when she sees the tower collapse. The slightest bit of guilt ridden annoyance at the man who messily fought the water guy; she knew she could be grateful now that he handled it, but Nina was naturally a very bitter person; and of course, that bitterness slipped out sometimes.

But Peter wasn't looking at him, or at the broken tower. He was looking at Nina, trying to examine her body language to see if she was in pain, then, he looks down at the wreath necklace in his pocket, relief flooding him at the sight of the object safe and sound.


"It's aliens. It has to be."

Both Peter and Nina appear from the corner, having snuck into the hotel window to avoid any suspicion as to where they were; now in a fresh set of clothes. Nina is a bit happy that her hair wasn't damaged because she'd spent a lot of time curling it - and when they got wet, they'd take forever to dry.

"BuzzFeed says there's a sailor named Morris Bench who was exposed to an experimental underwater generator and got hydro powers." Flash informs, eyes never leaving his phone. He looks fascinated.

"Yeah, you should definitely believe everything you read on the Internet." MJ rolls her eyes, observing the video from a few hours ago play on the T.V screen.

"Spider-Man and Mendax could take him." Flash mumbled - no one paid him any attention, but the two teens clearly caught that. They share a funny look at the irony, before listening back into the conversation between their two teachers.

"What do you think it is?"

"Being a man of science, witches."

Betty appears from the lobby, approaching behind Ned and rests her palm on his shoulder, eyeing the T.V carefully. "Who is that guy?" Her eyes dart off to Nina, before they turn back towards the screen when she realizes that someone might catch up.

"He's like Iron Man and Thor rolled into one." Brad Davis comments with a gleeful smile - there's a icepack on his temple; and Nina had mind controlled both him and Matty into forgetting that she had punched him into unconsciousness just hours earlier.

"He's alright." Flash shrugs, still looking very uninterested. "He's no Spider-Man and Mendax."

"What is it with you and Spider-Man and Mendax?" Alaska questions, lips quirked up into a small smile with the knowledge that Flash, who her best friend hated, was absolutely enamored with her alter ego.

"What? They're just awesome, okay?" His tone is defensive, eyebrows furrowed together while Alaska tries to contain her laughs. "He protects the neighborhood and y'know he's inspiring. And Mendax is an Avenger and but she chooses to look out for the little guys while she's busy taking down these super evil organizations. They inspire me to be a better man."

LIAR, LIAR. Peter Parkerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن