Rock and Reconciliation

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It's another good day for Mr. Stable Horse. When the sun finally lays over the horizon he'll make his way into the farmhouse and munch on his oats for dinner, he just needs a few sippy sips from the water barrel before getting cozy by the hay stack.

This area of the county is quiet enough, and given how relaxing crickets can be, his owner is probably snoozing off by now. Just as the horse began to drift away in his lonesome farmhouse, his ears twitched at the sound of wooden gates opening and closing so softly that he could have mistaken it for the wind if it hadn't been for a pair of plodding footsteps. While he may be a common horse in comparison to the other animals of Centaurworld, this horse already knows who this late-night visitor is. The horse looks up with beady eyes, but his critical glance disappears as he sees your silent figure lying down next to him. The absence of witty or snarky remarks was strange enough, but the sniffling told it all. The equine would soothe you if he could speak your language, but for the moment all he did was throw a frayed blanket over you with his teeth in the hopes that you would both fall asleep.

You didn't go back to Centaurworld after that.

It's early in the morning and yet you woke up with the fevor of a hair stylist with the newset gossip, only for the poor horse to stay around like your unwilling victim.

"Why would I go back?" So Elk Twink can call me egocentric again?" You fail to see the horse wince every time you brush down his mane during this one-sided chat, or should I say venting. Letting the intensity of your rage get the better of you. "I'm doing this for everyone, not just for myself. You have no idea how awful things will go if I don't fix to this problem! I'm talking permanent damage, emotional scars, and Cat-taurs staging pageants every day as a coping mechanism."

The last tug was sufficient to snap the rope. The horse had his limits, and even then he wasn't able to understand what you were saying as he neighed angrily and huffed away from you.. You gasp, offended at the swipe of the tail which Is equal to the horse giving you the finger. "Oh what so you're annoyed of me too?!" you call out to the equine but he doesn't care, rather preferring the bag of oats hanging from the wall. "Fine! Eat all you want as if I care! I gave up on finding a way home because I thought I could make a difference for everyone here, but apparently I'm just getting in the way of everyone's lives. Well you know what Elktaur I don't care that you'll... You'll..." you pause mid vent, realizing what has been bottled up inside you all night. Even the horse took a moment from his lunch break to look at you. "...Go down a de-destructive path." It like a wave of nausea wrecked through your whole body, needing to sit down for a moment. "By the rift what am I saying? I know I'm not the one who's supposed to apologize, but I also can't let things stay this way. I need to-"

The wooden gates open up to reveal the farmer owning the horse and the land you're trespassing, both of you equally shocked to see each other. This is the part where you stop your internal monologue and get your ass out of there before he fetches his shotgun.

Elktaur isn't doing any better than you might have anticipated. The guy attempts to carry on with his life as if he didn't gain and lose a close friend in the course of a week; he was alone before you showed up and can handle returning to it, but it's challenging considering what he's been through in the past. Due to habit, he continues to sleep on one side of the bed, brews coffee for two instead of one, and even says "I'll see you later" before heading to work. Getting no reaction from his deserted house. Elk clearly misses you as much as you miss him, but pride is a powerful barrier. Even if he were to speak, it would be clear to him that you're avoiding him.

With only his tool belt and lunch bag in hand, the elk exits his workshop and heads for the edge of the town and the magical rift he refers to as his workplace. Unfortunately for him there's a mob obstructing the main stone route that leads to the border, so he pokes his head left and right to locate an exit through the hubbub. "I'm going to be late," as if the elk wasn't already in a bad mood.

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