Brothers Bond (Extra Chapter) Pt. 2

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Espresso just finished crying as the two was now watching TV. Espresso using his boyfriends lap as a pillow and the said boyfriend playing with the others hair.

"Oh come on! That's bullshit." Espresso said as the protagonist of the TV believed a lie from the evil stepmother.

"I know. She's definitely going to die." Madeleine said in response when suddenly their doorbell rang. Though the doorbell is located on the gate, it's technically still a door.

"Are you expecting someone?" Madeleine asked.

"Oh right! My nieces." Espresso said as he panics. Completely forgetting about his nieces.

"You invited them over?" Madeleine asked.
"Yeah. I figured I'd be stressed so I need some cuteness to distract me." Espresso explained. Madeleine feels offended.

"Am I not cute enough for your needs?" Madeleine asked in his puppy voice.
"You are but I see your face everyday so it has no effect anymore." Espresso replied. Though, he was right.

"Sir? You have a visitor." A maid said on the other side of the gigantic door.
"Let them in." Espresso ordered. Though the person was not who he expected.

"Hello, pardon my intrusion." The male voice said as he steps in.

Espresso stood up and ran to his reddened face.

"What happened to you?" Espresso asked as he inspects more on the red spot that looks like it got slapped.

"Dad punched me because I kind of brought up their marriage. I'm here to talk actually." Espresso's brother said.

"Not yet, I'll go get something for your face. Go sit down there." Espresso said as he walks out of the room to get something to soothe the pain.

As Espresso's brother sat down on the other side of the couch to where Madeleine was. He was getting glares.

"Hi." He said.

"Hello again." Madeleine replied.

"I come in peace. Don't worry." The brother said.

"You better be. Though no need for awkward talks, I figured you'd come here in the name of clearing your parents' name." Madeleine replied.

"That's actually not why I came here. I'm here to just talk with my brother. Maybe know him a bit more and talk about other stuff." He said. Madeleine was left speechless.

"That's great and all but he has something to do today. Unless his nieces cancel the last minute." Madeleine said.

"Oh. Bad time then?" Espresso's brother asked.
"Yeah. Bad time." Madeleine replied.

"I'll have to leave after this. My nieces texted me I should pick them up." Espresso said as he went back in the room.

"Bummer." Espresso's brother said.

As Espresso tends to his brothers wound, he actually feels like he's the shy responsible brother taking care of his idiotic older brother.

"All done. Should we head out together or are you and Madeleine going to talk?" Espresso asked and he actually thought for a moment.

"Maybe I'll stay here for a while." Espresso's older brother said. Espresso then stood up and said goodbye to both of them.

"Call me if you need to be picked up." Madeleine said and gave his boyfriend a peck on the lips.

"Yeah yeah, even if I didn't you'll do it anyway." Espresso said as Madeleine scratches the back of his neck.

"Don't start a fight." Espresso said one last time before leaving the room.

Madeleine then looked at Espresso's brother with confusion.

"I thought you're here to have a talk with Espresso." Madeleine said.
"Yeah, that was my plan but you know him well enough. Can I ask questions about him?" Espresso's brother asked.

"Gladly." Madeleine said.
"You probably haven't caught my name yet, It's-"
"Derek. I know already." Madeleine said cutting Derek's introduction.

"How?" Derek asked in confusion. He doesn't remember introducing himself.
"Your grandfather and I are business partners. Of course I know you. You're the next heir to the business after all." Madeleine explained.
"I see. So you're partnered with the company for expanding your university, correct?" Derek asked. Madeleine nodded.

"So anyway, my brother. What kind of a person is he?" Derek asked and boy oh boy Madeleine has a lot to say.

"Well to start he's grumpy and always mad. When you get to know him he's actually a shy and amazing person. He is the kind of person who'll help the people in need when needed to and that's why he became a professor. Though, things happened and pursued working as a detective instead. He's also smart, hardworking and a good cook." Madeleine said with endearment.

"What happened? Why did he quit being a professor?" Derek asked.
"I knew you were going to ask that." Madeleine replied. "Well, a couple of years ago he actually worked at my University. We became a thing and kept it a secret but my parents found out. They threatened him and he left me without an explanation. Four years later I found out he's actually one of the detectives who'll be working on the murder case and I was being pushy. My parents apologized to him after the case and my grandfather gave us his blessings which was very unnecessary and now here we are." Madeleine added.

"My poor little brother have been through a lot, huh?" Derek said with a sad tone.
"Yeah, that's why I always want to give him only the best. I even though of making him quit his job and work as something else that won't make him sleep deprived or even better, just make him quit and live his life in bliss. He's already accomplished a lot in his life and I just want him to rest." Madeleine said as he got lost in his thoughts and started rambling.

"Now I feel bad. I should've just asked them to stop before when I had the chance to but I was scared. I'm so useless as an older brother." Derek said as he placed his palms in his face and elbows to his legs.

"That's all passed now. Though the beatings were wrong, I'm kind of thankful because without those situations we wouldn't have probably met." Madeleine said with a bitter smile on his face.

"I'm so glad he's with you. I can feel at ease knowing he's with someone who won't treat him like shit. You're a nice guy, Madeleine." Derek said with a smile.

"Glad to hear we have your blessing." Madeleine replied as he smiles back.

Both talked about Espresso for a couple of hours more. Madeleine being awestruck and obviously simping for his boyfriend and Derek only idolising more. Espresso was really something else.

They talked and talked when they realized the sun was already setting. If Espresso didn't came to the living room they would've never stopped.

"Oh, you're home already?" Madeleine said inviting Espresso in.
"Of course, it's already 6:00 PM. I was surprised when you didn't pick me up as usual and even more surprised you're still talking to my brother." Espresso said as he approached the two with his arms crossed.

"When the maids told me you two were still here I was shocked. I really thought you two are going to fight earlier." Espresso said as Madeleine slowly pulled him to sit next to him.

"And you knowingly left us?" Derek asked.
"I mean I had the feeling you won't. You're two business minded people, you won't do anything stupid when your partnerships on the line." Espresso replied.

"You really are smart. I'm starting to envy you even more." Derek said.
"Well, brains like mine didn't develop overnight. What did you two discuss about?" Espresso replied.

"Nothing of your interest. Shall we have dinner?" Madeleine invited.

The three enjoyed a meal and talked about a lot of things. Espresso and Derek became close as time passes. Derek accepts Madeleine to be the perfect fit for his brother and also had a brother-like bond.

(Just one more chapter and then we're done. I also have another espresseleine fanfic idea, though there is no guarantee it will be longer or shorter than this one but let's just wait and see. See you tomorrow on the final (extra) chapter!)

You're always mine | Espresso x Madeleine [Might Rewrite Soon]Where stories live. Discover now