Part 1

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It was a normal day in this neighbourhood in Atlanta ATL mind you it was hot as hell outside in my parents house.

So I had to open my windows because
Last night in my room i was completely sweating and also came down with a cold? Could you believe that?!

So this morning I had to wake up to meet up with my best friend ebony. So i hear my mom coming up the stairs to my room to give me breakfast " thank you mom " I said
And then my mom said " you're welcome sweetheart "

I went to my bed to eat mg breakfast I hear my phone buzzing. And it was ebony so I answered
" hey girl " I said she says " hello girl are you coming out today for some girlie tine? " I said " yep I'm just about to finish my breakfast & then I will be right over to you " she says " okay I will see you there "
I said " ok see ya bye "

I finished my breakfast to put it in I then washed up the plates and took myself back upstairs to get washed & dressed to wear this today

I took my phone , my bag from my room and said bye to my mom. " Bye mom I'll call you when I get back " she said bye then I closed the door to walk and meet up with ebony

Bobby valentino & saphire ( Give me a chance ) Fanfic (2005)  Where stories live. Discover now