She sighed and pulled me closer to her and squeezed me ,and we both fell asleep.

The next day

I woke up still trying to process what happened last night ,I guess Vic was awake too ,I was gonna get coffee so I got up ,my back hurt like a bitch.

Vic got up too ,the pain got even worse "oh shit ,my back hurts horribly" "y/n,you have scratches and bruises on your back!".

"Nononono,this is getting worse by the second" ,I got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom mirror ,I could see everything that was on my back perfectly.

Vic came into the bathroom and started to rub my shoulder "come to band practice with me,I don't want you to be home alone again,this is getting out of control".

I thought of an idea "oh we have security cameras in the closet,so we can put those around the house" ,she nodded and we put the cameras around the house ,one in the living room,one in our room,one in the garage,and one in the guest room.

"Alrighty y/n,get dressed and we'll go to band practice" ,I got dressed and we left.

We got to the place that they practice at,got inside,and saw the boys "hey Vic ,and y/n ,what's she doing here" "long story, we'll talk about it later ,let's get started".

They started there practice,while I was distracted.

I can't believe that happened, scratches and bruises on my back,that's In believable.

There's something really attached to me,and I know it wants me.

"Y/n!" ,I snapped out of it "oh uh sorry,I was thinking of-" ,I stopped because the pain in my back got even worse than last time,I could feel something else on my back "are you ok" damiano asked,I looked at Vic,she already knew what to do.

So I put my back to her and she pulled up my shirt slowly to see my back,the boys came over too,they all gasped.

"What happened,please tell me",they didn't answer "someone tell me please", "amore, there's something attached to you and it's following you everywhere,on your back there's a scratch and it says 'i see you'."

I stayed quiet,I was so stressed,can't this just be over ,I let out a big sigh "this is fucked up,this is really fucked up" I said madly ,"yes it is really fucked up,let's go home ,I'll see you boys later,ok?" Vic said ,they nodded and we left.

When we were in the car I was staring out the window,I can't stop thinking what happened today and yesterday,I'm still shook ,"y/n!" "What!" ,She looked at me with a serious face "you've been in a daze this whole time,and you've been ignoring me" "ok listen Vic,these past 2 days I haven't been able to sleep, I've got hurt, and there is something in that house ,and I don't know what it is ,if it's a ghost,a spirit,or a fucking demon,if there is a demon or anything,I'm not dealing with that , otherwise we're going to fucking move somewhere else in Italy".

She ignored me until we got home ,I unlocked the door and took a step in the house ,I just froze ,Vic came in "omg what the heck happened!" ,The cabinets were all open the doors were all open too and we closed them before we left , and some plates and cups were broken.

I ran to the kitchen ,closed the cabinets and started to pick up the glass,I didn't care if my hands were bleeding,all I wanted to do was pick up glass,Vic pulled me back from the glass "y/n stop you're bleeding!" ,I looked at my hands ,all I saw I'm my eyes were blood.

Vic helped me get up from the floor ,picked me up and put me on the counter , Vic got the broom and swept up the glass ,and then we cleaned up my hands ,it hurt like hell ,but I remembered something "Vic ,we haven't looked on the cameras yet" ,she looked at me with a scared face.

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