Chapter One

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Dan and Laycee were giggling like crazy as they walked into the beach house they lived in. they had just had a meeting with a mother who is looking into giving her baby up for an open adoption. her name was Jane Nixon and was an 18 year old college student who got pregnant from a one-night-stand and wasn't ready to be a mom yet but she just wanted to be Auntie Jane to her daughter. it had gone really well and on the way home Laycee got a text from Jane saying she wanted another meeting before deciding, so they were fairly certain that they would be having a baby in a few months.

Laycee was basically another mom to Dan's five year old daughter, Beatrice "Trixie" Hope Espinoza. Dan and his ex-wife Chloe seperated about five months before Trixie was born, about two months after that Laycee and Dan got together and when Trixie was born, Dan and Chloe divorced. Dan and Laycee got married not long after Trixie's first birthday, and soon after her second birthday, Chloe married James "Jamie" Lucius who was an ER doctor. Chloe and Laycee became best friends over time and Dan and Jamie became best friends so it was a nice balance. they would spend holiday's together and stuff, and parent teach conferenses which Laycee never took seriously, and of course, they would go on family vacations which most of the time ended with Dan and Laycee getting kicked out of the hotel because Laycee did something stupid, and Dan would always laugh along with it.

since out of Trixie's four parents Laycee was the one who was home the most and they lived the closest to her school (or Child Prison as Laycee and Dan called it) she and Dan had primary custody, they had her monday through friday, and Chloe picked her up from school on friday. Laycee adored being able to spend those few hours with the five year old, she was fun and sweet and they watched horror movies together (Chloe didn't know or they would both be in the dog house). and Dan thought it was adorable since most nights they fell asleep cuddled up on the couch.

everything stopped when Laycee spotted the figure in the living room, "Dad, what the hell are you doing here," Laycee said, she was more shocked then mad, but she was still mad that he showed up unannounced. "Dan," she whispered to her husband who wasn't standing that far away "it's ok, I got you," he whispered back, wrapping his arm around Laycee's waist. "Amenadiel told me that you are going to be having a baby," God said coming closer. "nothings set in stone," Laycee said. "look, if you wanted to get in contact, why did you wait so long, you got an invitation to the wedding, shes your daughter for crying out loud!" Dan yelled at his father in law. God took another step forward, "you must be Dan, thank you for taking care for Lucifer," God said.

this enraged Dan, no father would ever call there child by their dead name, it's the most awful form of disrespect. it's ten million times worst then disrespecting someones mother. it's also basically the same as ripping out someones soul. Dan took a step forward and his fist colided with the Almighty's cheek. "NO ONE CALLS MY WIFE THAT! GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE!" Dan yelled. his face was red with anger. and he couldn't help but yell at God himself. Laycee ran out of the room and into the bedroom that she and Dan shared, she was never good with yelling, Linda said it was something to do with PTSD or something, but she and Dan both knew it was something else, but PTSD was a factor in it.

Dan, who had somehow avoided getting smited, ran out of the living room after God left and ran into the bedroom, Laycee was in the bed, hiding under the covers like a child afraid of the dark. "babe, I'm sorry," Dan said. sitting down on the side of the bed, Laycee's eyes were the only thing out and they were full of fear, she let out a smile grunt and Dan gave her an apoligetic smile. "I love you Lace, do you want me to lay with you for a bit, or the whole day?" he asked. Laycee just nodded nodded, she was unable to speak. Dan toed off his shoes and crawled into bed.

Laycee's whole body was shaking, this had happened a few other times, the first time it happened was when a major fight broke out in the precinct, it ended with Dan following Laycee into the girl bathroom. this was the first time it happened at home. Dan wrapped his arms around Laycee and held her close to his chest. "I'm sorry I lost my temper baby, but your father disrespected you as a woman, a fucking hot as hell woman and I couldn't let him get away with that," Dan apologized. he felt terrible that he was the cause of Laycee freaking out. "it's ok," Laycee said weakly. 

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