Sole Power

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oh my god- it's been a while since i've uploaded a chapter for this book!! told you i never forgot about it, lmao! also, as you can see i changed the cover bc i never pick anything and be happy with it. i wanted it to match all the other covers on my books!

anyway, i hope you enjoy this chapter of sonic boom x reader <3


"Hey, Dave!" You chirped, waving to the baby blue beaver, smiling as you leaned on the counter of Meh Burger. "Hi, Welcome to Meh Burger, what do you want? I have my break in---5 minutes, so hurry up." The beaver replied, ignoring your sweet hello. 

"Uh-- could I get--" You were cut off by your own scream as you covered your ears to block out a ringing that rand through your ears.

"I'm sorry, we don't have 'Ahhhhh', is there anything else you'd like?" Dave asked as you rubbed your left ear.

"The heck--- uhm, i'll get the Do-AH!"

The same ringing was heard again, this time you were able to find out who made that noise. Looking to the right, you found Sonic sitting alone by the entrance of Meh Burger, munching on a chili dog.

"Excuse me!" You smiled sweetly to the employee, before stomping over the blue hedgehog and standing over him. The sun hitting your back.

"Oh, hey, Y/N!" Sonic smiled, about to take another bite of his food, before you slapped it out of his hand and glared at him.

"The heck was that for?" he complained. 

"How come every time you run, there's this annoying ringing in my ear!?"

"There I-- oh! shoot, sorry Y/N/N! if I'm being honest, I don't know what's up with that. Tails tried to figure it out, but he got nothing."

You huffed, picking up his chili dog and taking a bite out of it.



"Sonic, you were supposed to get the volleyball!" Amy told Sonic, who was walking towards the gang, who was standing in front of his shack with a volleyball net set up.

"Oh, sorry! I'll inside and get it!" he spoke and was about to zip off, making the gang cover their ears, and Sonic quickly stopped. "And by zip, I mean walk slowly and deliberately!" Sonic smiled nervously as he slowly walked towards his shack, trying his best not to move as fast, and came out a few minutes later with the ball.

With the corner of his eye though, he saw a crab bot peek out from a bush just behind Y/N and he dropped the ball. 

"Guys! Robot attack at six o'clock!"

"I can't do six, I have tickets to the opera!...No wait, that's someone else--"

"Behind you!" Sonic yelled, and they all jumped out of the way, and lots of Eggman's goons came into view. Taking out your weapon, you began to destroy them one by one.

It was all going well until you heard Amy say, 'Sonic, we got this!'. and you saw him sit on a sunchair, watching the battle. He was trying to help, by telling the team how to battle, and that's when he came to you.

"Y/N! Your best move here is a spin attack!" He called over, and you wiped your hand over your forehead. "That's your move, not mine--" You looked up, to find crab bots surrounding and tackling you, making you yelp and fight to get the bots off of you.

Sonic smiled nervously, cringing at the sight of you battling the bots.

"This. Ends. Now!" Sticks growled and grabbed Sonic by his handkerchief, pinning him to a nearby tree and tieing him around it. 

𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀 𝘾𝙊𝙈𝙀𝙎 𝙏𝙃𝙀 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 | various!sonicboom x readerWhere stories live. Discover now