The Dockyard Killer (Final)

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Payne found nail varnish remover in her desk, while Jones found make-up wipes in Sinclair's, for when they wanted to remove their lipstick. Today, Sinclair's lips were a fiery orange colour. Sad lips were wide open as their owner returned to the office, Charlie in tow, watching their partner panic.

"Ellis, I have pants! Go, go, go!" Sinclair pushed them into the mini-lab, hearing 'thank all y'all's from within. The three younger detectives sighed.

"Does that happen often?" Payne asked.

"Thompson feels uncomfortable whenever someone gets flirty with them... Well, only in a 'I want you in my bed' sorta way! They feel like the gender they're presenting as is too uncomfortable, and just feels horribly dysphoric."

"Yeah, an' I sure didn't wanna come out to ya like this, Payne. Sorry..." Thompson sighed, make-up removed, and black jeans on. He was still wearing his nail varnish, having decided against removing it.

"Don't worry, Thompson."

Then, the new Deputy Chief, Parker, came in, requesting for Jones and Payne to see the Unit Chief. The three of them and Polaris left the two frazzled Sergeants.

In the office, the Unit and Deputy Chiefs stood side-by-side, getting updated on the case.

"Alright, give up on John Bradley and Sally Stone. They won't give you anything else," Louise said rather bluntly.

"What? But I'm sure we can get them to spill everything! We just need a little more time!" Jones begged.

"Maybe in a week, Inspector Jones, but we don't have the time!" the Deputy Chief snapped, "You need a murder weapon!"

"Chief King, Deputy Chief Parker, and myself agreed that you should try checking the Doghouse again for a clue. Now go!" the Unit Chief commanded.

So, they returned to the alleyway, searching through bins, rubbish bags, all sorts, until Polaris barked at a bag that had a bloody blade sticking out of it.

Jones gingerly retrieved it and got to collecting a sample, while Payne spotted an engraving on the blade. She grinned. If the blood did indeed belong to their victim, she knew who to cuff.

"I'll get this to Grace. How about you check on Alex and John-Barry?" he suggested, and Payne nodded.


Alex had got in touch with John-Barry, and to Payne's annoyance, her entire family, including her own son, had talked to him.

"Are you fucking KIDDING me?! Even Tom?! Really, Bazza?!" she cried in disbelief.

"Sorry, Nikki. But they said that you were still really stubborn and arrogant!" replied a friendly voice that she missed, yet wanted to punch the owner of, "I'm not quite ready to meet Tom yet, and he's not ready to meet me, we've only talked yesterday for the first time. Give us a few days?"

"Alright, alright... And I won't rush you into fatherhood. You can just get used to being around each other first," she smiled, "Ha, you must've been so surprised to hear that you were a father. I wanted to tell you that..."

"Sorry, but it was definitely a surprise. My family's pretty surprised, but they're DEFINITELY not ready to meet Tom."

"I underst-" Payne got cut off by Jones entering the room.

"Oh, sorry. It's just that Grace is done now..." he said, sheepishly.

"Ah. Sorry, Bazza. Duty calls. The lab chief's done, and she's awesome!" she teased.

"HEY! I was a damn good lab chief, too!" John-Barry protested.

"I know, mate. Anyway, we'll talk about you and Tom meeting... Later, not sure when. See you later, alright?"

A Bloody Grim PayneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang