Chapter Thirty-Five

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They turned on the radio and made the drive to school, seeing as prom was being held in the gym. When they pulled into the parking lot not even 10 minutes later, they got out and headed inside. The school had been very secretive about the theme of prom, and even though Abby was on the prom committee, she refused to tell anybody. Her exact words were, "I can't tell you, but I promise you'll love it." She hoped that was true.

As Tony and Ziva walked in hand-in-hand, they gasped at the decorations. The prom was Paris themed with an Eiffel Tower in the middle of the gym and stars lining the roof and shining down on them. Abby was right, they did love it. They even had croissants lining part of the food table as well as other french finger foods. They were greeted by Coach Fornell and Mrs. Sterling, who seconds after greeting them, started flirting. Clearly nothing much had changed on that front since the beginning of the year.

They walked over to a table, claiming it by putting there things down.

"Do you want anything to drink?" Tony asked, already a step towards the tables.

"Sure, I would like some water." Tony nodded, placed a kiss on her forehead then made his way over to the tables.


Abby moved over to talk with some of her Computer Programming friends with Tim next to her converging in the conversation as well. When the friends left to get some food, Tim pulled her over to a quiet corner of the gym. He looked nervous. Very nervous. What if this was it? What if he was going to tell her how he felt? Finally after what seemed like ages, he spoke."

" you want anything to drink?" She was filled with disappointment.

"No. I don't want a drink, Tim." The sadness in her voice could be heard by him. He reached out to her, holding her hand, and looking into her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I chickened out at the last second." She couldn't stop the tiny smirk that appeared.

"Do you need help?" He smiled at her, almost laughing, until his face turned serious.

"Abby...I love you. I've been in love with you since the moment I met you. You have always been there for me and are the kindest, most loving person that I know. I love you and I want to show you how much every day for as long as you'll have me." Abby smiled at him.

"Now was that so hard?" He chuckled and looked up at her, waiting.

"I love you too, Timmy." The smile on his face was the biggest one she had ever seen. He leaned in and placed a delicate kiss on her lips. When they pulled back, they were smiling. They jumped back when Tony shouted "Get it, ElfLord!" He was silenced by a smack to the head by Ziva. Tim leaned in and kissed her again, feeling completely happy for the first time.


After an hour or two of dancing, eating, laughing, and spending time together, a teacher climbed up on stage and took the mic from its holder.

"Alright everybody, it's time to announce our 2009 Prom King and Queen!" Everyone clapped, waiting for the results to be read. A survey had been sent out a week before for everyone to vote. Somehow Ziva managed to be on that list, but so was Jeanne. Throughout the week, she had been badmouthing her more than usual and Ziva was about tired of it. Even though a restraining order was keeping her from a certain amount of feet from them, it almost didn't matter. She still found ways to torment and annoy them.

She was brought out of her thoughts by the teacher continuing.

"As you know, a survey was sent out this week to vote on who you wanted to be Prom King and Queen. Thank you to all who voted and for being here tonight." She took two envelopes from a table nearby.

"Alright, Class of 2009, your Prom King is...Anthony Gibbs!" The gymnasium erupted with applause. Tony smiled and planted a kiss on Ziva's lips before making his way to the stage. The gold crown was placed atop his head as well as a white sash draped from his shoulders. He looked at her and winked, looking handsome with his new additions.

"And for your Prom Queen. Give it up for...Ziva David!" Ziva looked astonished. She knew she was a nominee but she didn't actually think she would win the thing. She could hear Jeanne stomp the ground like a preschooler before storming out, but she didn't care. She looked towards Tony again, realizing he was smiling at her, waiting for her to join him on the stage. She walked through the crowd, carefully walked up the stage, and took her place next to Tony. A golden tiara was placed atop her head as her own sash was put on her shoulders.

"Let's get another round of applause for our Senior Class of 2009 Prom King and Queen!" The gymnasium again erupted, students shouted there congratulations and Tony's teammates yelling for him to kiss her. He did just that.

"Let's make some room for these two to have there dance." With that, the teacher nodded to the band, then walked off the stage. Tony and Ziva made there way to the middle of the gym, people getting out of there way as they went. Tony put his hands on her waist, while hers went to his neck. A slow song played that she didn't know the name of, but she didn't mind. She only cared about the man she was dancing with, a memory flooding through her mind.

'Ziva, one day you will dance with a man that deserves your love.' Her fathers voice rang out in her head, pulling her to a different time. Before punishments, before death. She had danced with her father in there Tel Aviv home, right before he was to leave for a mission. She remembered the feeling of being sad that he was leaving, but happy for the moment they were sharing.

She looked up at Tony and realized, she was. She was dancing with a man that deserved her love. Who deserved everything she had to offer. She smiled, tears shining in her eyes. Tony's eyebrows scrunched together.

"Are you okay?" She nodded, still smiling.

"I love you, Tony." He smiled, his hand moving up and down her back as they danced.

"I love you too, Ziva."


As the dance ended, Tony and Ziva moved over to their group, reaching for hugs and pats on the back. Tony went over to Tim, giving him a headslap and a hug.

"Finally." That was all he said before coming back to her side. They all chatted before heading back out to the dance floor. Tony even breakdancing to Get Low by Lil Jon.

Around 11 o'clock that evening, that made the announcement to leave school grounds and Fornell even threw in a "don't do anything stupid." As they left the gym and made their way to their cars, they realized this would be their last day together. Tony and Ziva were graduating the next day while the others had another year. Tony sighed.

"You know. A part of me isn't ready to go." He looked at the school, the floodlights on so they could see just enough of the building. Ziva rubbed her hand up and down his back, feeling the same.

"This is the first time in my life I have gotten to do what I wanted. You all have shown me what it is like to live and be happy. I am not ready to leave yet." Ziva's eyes sparkled with unshed tears, while Abby already had streaks coming down her cheeks. Abby rushed over to hug the both of them.

"Hey, we still have majority of the summer to hang out before you have to leave. We could do a whole lot of stuff in that time." They all laughed.

"Yeah, your right, Abbs. Why don't we make a huge beach trip? Like a week-long of just the beach, the sun, and each other." Everyone's eyes lit up at the idea.

"That would be awesome!" Abby squealed, and everyone else nodded their heads in agreement.

"Then it's set. We will spend so much time together that by the time we leave, you won't miss us." Tony joked but Abby smacked him on the back of the head.

"No amount of time together would ever make that happen." Tony rubbed the back of his head sheepishly.

"Solid Copy." The 08 laughed before saying their goodbyes for the night. Opting to see each other tomorrow for Tony and Ziva's big day. Tony and Ziva got into his car, pulled out of his parking spot, and left school grounds. He pulled her hand over the center console and held it, not wanting to let go.

Their lives were about to change and they couldn't wait for it.

Lockers and LoveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon