chapter 1

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You woke up in your bedroom, as you do every single day. It was kind of hard adjusting your eyes to the light of the day for some odd reason, but you managed to do it. You got up out of your bed..

..and you fell face first into a pile of clothes in the middle of your floor (rip bozo).

You got up from out of the floor, got dressed in a comfy outfit, and went to go eat breakfast. You walked to the kitchen, made your breakfast, and ate it. You walked to the living room of your apartment, grabbed your keys, and exited.

You decided to walk to your local bakery. You walked down the sidewalk, looking around at your small town you lived in. You finally made it to the bakery, and walked in.

"Hey there! What can I get 'cha?", the cashier said. "I'll just have some coffee, as per usual.",  you replied, trying not to fall asleep. "Alright, just go sit over there, and I'll get your order prepared in a moment!"

You walked over to one of the chairs, and sat down at a small table. On the table there was a potted plant which looked like it needed to be watered. As you was waiting for your coffee, you felt like.. something was just, pulling you. You look up, confused, and there's nothing there..?

You look over, and see the cashier walking to you. They give you the coffee you asked for, and you kindly thank them. They walk back to the kitchen, and they start cleaning some dishes or smtn idk

You walk out, sipping your coffee. You decide that maybe it's a good idea to head back to the apartment.

As your walking back, you can feel that weird pulling feeling again. You look behind you, and..

There's a portal.

Right behind you.

Pulling you in.

You realise that you cant escape it, and your arm gets stuck in the portal. Your leg gets stuck too, and then you feel terrifed.' What is going to happen to me?!',  you think to yourself. Suddenly, the portal pulls you all the way in, and your vision fades to black.

You wake up, faceplanted into a wooden floor. You try to push yourself up, and suddenly, you can hear footsteps. You look up to see a person, holding their hand out to help you up. You grab their hand. You are met face to face with a grey skinned person with a pot hat, a cool lookin' pair of shades, and a hoodie.

"Oh, hey there!", the stranger says, their expression confused. "Hello, uhm, how did I get here..?", you reply, a bit dizzy from falling into a portal. "Ah, I think someone opened a portal again.." "Oh, right, I did stumble into a portal."

You gently let go of the strangers hand, and you just look at eachother.

"Anyways, time for introductions. I'm Rey!", they say, looking at you happily ."Nice to meet you Rey, I'm Y/N!", you reply back, in a dizzy but happy tone.

"GUYS, WE HAVE A NEW FRIEND!", Rey yells, which slightly makes you frightened. 4 other people run into the room. "This is Sprout, Alec, Crown, and Queztion!", Rey says. "Nice to meet y'all, I'm Y/N.", you reply.

"Ay, so where's the new person gonna sleep?", Queztion asks. "Hm, we haven't decided on that yet..",  Sprout says, thinking.

"Yeah, but we don't have a guest bedroom or anything..", Crown says, worried. "Oh! How about Y/N takes Rey's room for the night or something?", Alec says. "H-HEY WAIT A MINUTE ALEC, WHERE AM I GONNA SLEEP?!",  Rey screams. "You either have to sleep in the floor in your room, or in the beanbag.", Alec replies. "Can't Y/N and Rey just sleep in the same be-", Queztion asks. Rey slaps Queztion before they can finish the sentence. "SHUT IT-- ME AND Y/N JUST MET, QUEZTION!!", Rey says. "Okay, okay, sorry it was just a joke.", Queztion says, slightly tearing up cause of the slap. "I'll sleep on the beanbag.", Rey sighs.

"Well, okay, it's getting late everyone, let's all get to bed!", Sprout says as everyone goes to their rooms. You walk into Rey's room, and you faceplant into the bed. You climb up, and then instantly notice that the bed is extremely comfy. You lay down, and slowly shut your eyes. You get comfy, and drift off to sleep.

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