Chapter 42 - Monty

Start from the beginning

Our mom didn't lie, and halfway back to the ridge, we're met by Julian and our dad, bearing Luna and Luca, Martin's four children, and a party of six Fae, who guard Elena and Selene. The rest of Ferrault's men and their vehicles have been escorted off our land.

As Dane reunites with his family, our mom addresses Elena and Selene.

"What you see here is what remains of your forces. Ferrault is dead. He died in combat, and with honor. Your own people may attest to it."

This is a more generous spin than I would have put on it, but our mom is known for her diplomacy. What other Wolf could make a deal with the Fae?

Elena looks to the line of bedraggled men, and Stefan nods in acknowledgement. Selene gazes down on Ferrault, but her expression is closer to relief than grief. I hope she realizes what a narrow escape she's had.

"And Jake?" Elena asks, scanning the faces that surround her.

"Dead," Mom says, "as is another whose name I do not know. Our condolences on your loss."

Elena's lips draw back in a snarl.

"Traitorous bitch," she hisses, echoing her brother's words. "You would rather lick the feet of these Fae filth than face honorable defeat? When the White Dawn—"

Our mom raises her hand, and the Fae raise their bows. Elena shuts up.

"Your brother's death was avoidable, as was your Chosen's. They did not have to come here, intent on harm. As for treachery, it is you who ought to be ashamed. You have used my son poorly, and according to the old laws you hold so dear, I would be within my rights to demand your life for it. Do you deny it?"

Elena's lips thin to a line, and she lifts her chin, but makes no answer.

"Moreover, your Dire and his second's deaths leaves you in command. Perhaps we should follow tradition and make an example."

Elena pales and glances at Selene, and I get the feeling she's the sort to throw others under the bus to save her own skin.

Mom continues before she has the chance. "I am willing to let 'tradition' slide, and to pardon past offenses, however — if you will abide by certain conditions, of course."

"Name them," Elena snaps.

"First, you sever all ties to my family, including to your former Mate, my son."

"Done, and gladly."

Ignoring the other woman's sneer, Mom goes on in an even, measured tone.

"Second, you will convey this message to the rest of your brother's Pack, to the White Dawn, and to the Mortaines: this land is no longer Wolf territory. It belongs to the Fae, and to trespass here is to ask for death."

Elena scowls, but nods. "Consider it done. No one wants your tainted devil-ground, anyway."

A growl emanates from Dane, who holds Julian and his children at his side, but our mom merely lifts a brow and lets the insult pass.

"And finally," she says, "the children stay with us. Flora, Miguel, Rio, and Nico belong to the Hunter Pack."

I expect Elena to protest at this, but she looks almost relieved. "Fine. Martin raised them to be weak, anyway, and the damage is done. If you want them, they're yours."

I glance at the children, who watch the proceedings with wide, frightened eyes. The two older siblings seem to be trying to protect the younger pair, but all four faces show the marks of recent tears. When their grandpa beckons, they run to him as if at the promise of a lifeline, and my heart breaks for my nephews and niece. They've got some therapy in their futures for sure, if I have any say in it.

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