"You complain too much sit down," you grabbed his hand and pulled him down forcing him to sit with you.

"so? are you gonna tell me more about you?" you smiled making eye contact with him, "you're persistent. fine. I'm Scaramouche."

"something I don't know"

he went silent.

"okay fine I'll about myself," you stated getting a dull look from Scaramouche. "God please no..."

He was acting as if he hated it but he liked listening to your voice he just isn't aware of it or is probably in denial. You laughed and caught a few soft smiles from Scaramouche.

Everytime you pointed it out that he was smiling he would call you delusional. Almost losing track of time you looked at your phone to realize that it was now 1:12 pm.

3 minutes before class starts meaning everyone's in the hallway already and you're fucked. "Scaramouche...we're dead," you sobbed out shoving the phone in his face.

He fell back, "what the hell y/n? stop panicking and just run," he sighed standinv up. "Do you want me to help you up or something?" He stared at you as you were still sitting there not moving an inch.

"help me up?"

"No you have legs I'm leaving."

Well there goes that romantic moment where the two of you would look into each other's eyes and fall in love.

"Now ..." you paused dusting off the dirt on you, "RUN" you shouted taking a run for it along with Scaramouche for the campus.

"if we get suspended I'm burning your house down!" He threatened running as fast as he could with you. It was a bad time to be enjoying this since you two are most likely going to get expelled but...

You started laughing you hadn't had this much fun in a while, don't get it wrong. You love hanging out with everyone but a moments like this were the best.

Running alongside with someone while the weather was perfect and the wind blew calmly. "You're enjoying this aren't you?" Scaramouche heard your hideous laugh.

Finally, the two of you reached the fence. You checked your phone to see it was now 1:14 and you had one minute to get to class.

Scaramouche climbed the fence before you, he surprisingly waited for you instead of running off and leaving you behind. You thought it was pretty sweet and stood there like an idiot.

"Hurry up will you?" He yelled finally getting you to snap out of your thoughts. You jumped the fence and landed on your feet out of breath.

You were sweating super hard and so did Scaramouche, he put his hair back with his hand closing his eyes and breathing hardly.

Why is he so fine.

You groaned realizing that the bell had rung and now the two of you had to run once again, "wanna race?" you challenged.

"no but I have to run either way," he sighed translating his words you took it as a yes and began to run with him.

Down the hall, taking turns, running up the stairs, and taking another turn when the two of you loudly slid the door open.

"Y/n? Scaramouche? Why are the two of you late and why are you guys sweating? Don't tell me you've been running," the science teacher crossed her arms angrily.

"Sorry Miss. Umm" you forgot her name but luckily for you, "Ms. Hu" Scaramouche continued for you.

"Do you think an apology will just do? Mind ELABORATING everything for us? Loud and clear will you?" Ms. Hu raised her voice, you were getting irritated by her voice more and more.

"Some girl fell into the fountain like an idiot so we helped her but Scaramouche fell in because he couldn't reach her and then we had to go to the nurse's office for some new clothes. It took so long we realized we were late and we ran here," you explained with a grin.

"What?" Scaramouche glared at you with a pissed off expression at the words 'couldn't reach her'

You guys were excused. Somehow. You were getting killed still though. Too short to reach was correct. Don't regret a single thing. I'll see itto in hell.

A/N -

I'm so sorry if this was super chaotic and confusing 😭😭 I don't even know what I was doing maybe Itto will die 😰🙏

Thank you for reading this chaotic fanfic where Scaramouche is OOC!

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