Part 1

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Andy's POV

"Guys! Come look at this!" We all heard CC shout from the back of the bus. We rushed to him, thinking something was wrong, only to find him looking at something on his laptop. "Geez CC, give us all a heart attack why don't you! We thought something happened." Jinxx scolded him. "Sorry, but you guys seriously have to check this out. I was just looking at videos on YouTube and I found this girl..." he trailed off before turning the laptop around and showing us.

Holy shit. I thought. That's Layne, my Layne. I haven't seen her since she was 13. I must've looked weird because Jake asked, "Andy, you alright dude?" "Uh, yeah I'm fine." I said. "We need to find this girl, she's really talented." CC said and everyone nodded. "Yeah but how?" Lonny asked. "I know how." I said and everyone turned to me. "Her name is Layne Cross and she lives in Cincinnati, Ohio." I told them. "How do you know that?" CC asked.

"Because she's my goddaughter." Everyone looked at me weird. "Since when did you have a goddaughter?" Jinxx asked. "Since 16 years ago. Her father and I were friends in high school and when she was born, he asked me to be her godfather." I told them. "Cool, well now we have to meet her." Lonny said looking at me. I sighed, "Okay, we'll be in Cincinnati next week for a show, I'll call her dad, tell him we're coming and you guys can meet her." I said and everyone cheered.


A week later
Layne's POV

It was Friday and I was headed home to practice the drums to let some steam off. I've had a really rough week. First, I failed my math test, then my boyfriend broke up with me. I'm not sad about it, it was a stupid high school relationship that won't mean anything in the future, so why cry about it? But it was still frustrating. When I got home, I saw a really big bus in front of the house, which confused the crap out of me. I walked in the door, "Dad! I'm home!" "In the living room!" He called back and I walked to the kitchen to put my stuff down. I walked into the living room and nearly screamed. Standing there with his arms wide, was my godfather, who I called Uncle Andy. "Uncle Andy!" I yelled running into his arms. He hugged me, picking me up and spinning me around. "I missed you so much!" He yelled when he put me down. "And you've grown so much since the last time I saw you." "I know right." My dad said.

I looked behind Andy to see the other members of his band standing there. Andy let go and looked at the guys, "So guys, this is Layne. Layne, this is CC, Jake, Jinxx, and Lonny." He said introducing them. They all waved and I waved back. We all sat down on the couch and talked for a while, getting to know each other.

A few hours later

"So Layne, we saw one of your videos on YouTube, what else can you do?" Jake asked me. Everyone looked at me and I said, "I can play electric guitar, rhythmic guitar, acoustic, flute, violin, cello, clarinet, trumpet, and drums. I also like to sing sometimes." I told them and they all looked shocked. "You can play that many instruments?" Jinxx asked looking astonished. "Yeah." I mumbled, blushing. "I don't know about you guys but I want to hear you play the drums!" CC exclaimed. "Okay, we'll then follow me I guess." I said and stood up from the couch.

I walked to my music room at the back of the house. It was a small room that my dad made to be soundproof and it had all my instruments in it. I walked over to the drum kit and sat down. "What song should I play?" I asked and CC shouted, "One of our songs!" I laughed and thought for a moment before picking one and playing.

When I was done, everyone's jaws were on the floor, except for my dad and Andy's, they've known I could play the drums for years. Andy was smiling and said, "Layne, I'm going to go talk with your dad for minute okay?" I shrugged and they went outside while the other guys complimented me and looked around at the other stuff in my music room.

Andy's POV

"Hey Alex, I need to ask you something. It's really important and I think Layne will love it but I need you to be okay with it." "What is it?" He asked. "I want Layne to join the band. The guys and I have already talked it over, the agree. I just think she could add a new element to the band with all the different instruments she plays and her voice is so good, she could sing along with me too." I looked at him to gauge his reaction, he looked deep in thought.

"If I say yes do you promise to make sure she keeps us with school and that she's safe at all times?" He asked me. "Of course I will. I would never let anything happen to her, you know that." "Okay then, I guess she can go with you." "Yes! Thank you so much Alex, I promise she will be fine. Plus, she already loves the guys so she should have no problem adjusting." I said and he nodded. We walked back into the room to find CC on the floor and everyone else laughing their butts off. "I don't even want to know..." I mumbled.

I looked at Layne and said, "Layne, we have a very serious question to ask you,"and everyone shut up, knowing what I was talking about. "Would you like to join the band and go on tour with us?" She looked at me with wide eyes and froze in her spot. "Is she okay or...." Lonny asked looking from her to me and back again. "I think she's in shock." Jinxx said. She inhaled and I instantly knew what was about to happen. "Everyone, cover your ears." I said and they did so, just as Layne screamed. "Oh my gosh!" She said and looked up at me. "So...." CC said. "Are you kidding? Of course I will!" She jumped up and gave me a huge bear hug. I chuckled and said, "Well you better get to packing then because we leave tomorrow morning." Her eyes widened and she dashed off to her room, leaving us in the room. "I'll call the school Monday and let them know that she won't be back for a while and will be switching to virtual learning." Alex said and we all nodded before everyone went to the living room to talk and I went up to Layne's room to help her pack.

A/N: hey! This is my first BVB fanfic so I hope you like it! Love you all 3000 <3 bye bye!

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