that's odd

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Ban had taken a week off to recover from his fight with the nomu and to also get used to his new strength and speed

(I don't know if I doubled his power when I said he trained twice as hard a few chapter ago but that's wrong,he was only 25% stronger than all might and now he is 40% stronger than him,double is way too much)

He finally decided to go back out to patrol but decided to wear a new hoodie,this was a sleeveless hoodie that was a zip up and he also wore black skin tight arm covers,those things that just slide onto your arms and go up to your shoulder and leave your hand exposed

He wore casual black pants and normal black shoes and went outside into the midday and started his patrol

He had been patrolling for only ten minutes when he took out his phone and checked the news and saw minor villains being taken down by up coming heroes and a few heroes helping the elderly crossing the road and he also saw that some were questioning where he went since he disappeared for a week and some were kinda worried that he stopped doing his work for a while but the fear he had put on some villains staid and none where making moves besides the ones outside his normal area

He then heard something from and alleyway and went to it and saw two normal looking people standing Infront of a man who was shaking in fear as the two men where about to mug him and had guns in they're hands

He was about to steal the guns when he heard a slightly high voice say

???:stop right there villains!!

V1:who the hell?

V2:that is the highest voice I've ever heard

???:you won't be going anywhere with committing a crime villains

V2:shut it brat before we shoot you too,now shoo!

V1:seriously,this kid trying to be a hero,anyways,GIVE US YOUR MONEY ASSHOLE BEFORE WE KILL YOU

he screamed turning towards the man with the gun,this caused the hooded person to activate they're quirk which put a red glow around V1 and slammed him into the wall which didn't knock him out but stunned him,this caused V2 to point his gun at the person and was about to shoot him but ban stole the gun and then dropped to him and grabbed his head and out it into the wall easily

He then dropped the gun and went to the person who was standing still already recognizing the quirk that had just been at play right there

???:o-omg,your ban,I'm such a fan!!!!

They said highly and very excitedly

Ban:your right,now who are you,you sound like a kid and by your hight,I'm guessing you are,now why are you here

???:o-oh,I just wanted to help out here and be just like you,saving people and not trying to get publicity for it,your a true hero sir!!

Ban:kid,don't try to be like me

He then took off the kids hood and saw a normal kid with red hair that ran down his head on all sides with green bright eyes and a hight of 5'2 and probably had an average build

Ban:how old are you kid?

???:I'm 14 sir ban

Ban:and what's your name?

???:Eli sir (pronounced E-lie)

Ban:right,Eli look,do not be like me,my life is not something to aspire too,it is a life of doing good but having to run away from the law,I have to maintain an image of good and evil,an image of care and I will kill you,it is hard to maintain and not something you should aspire too

undead izukuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora