・ IX ・

Depuis le début

flo 🔫

Of course I don't mind
Milo is the reason I wanted to
be your friend in the first
place 😂

miss pugh im hurt
but not surprised
hes pretty great

Could you send me the
address of the place we're

oh yeah sorry

Oh its walking distance
Be there soon


After applying some light makeup and changing outfits multiple times, panicking about making a good first impression, I was finally ready. I put Milo on his lead before locking up my house and heading towards the café.

The walk over was pleasant, the sky clear but there was a cool edge to the wind. Passers by were in their own worlds, looking down at phones or caught up in their conversations.

Realising I had time to spare, I took a detour through a small park. An old couple sat on a bench feeding the birds, while a mum chased after her son, I looked down at Milo just appreciating the slight break from the bustle of LA. As I went to leave the park to meet Flo, a teenage girl approached me, clearly rather nervous.

"Hi, I'm so sorry to bother you, but I'm a huge fan of your music and I was wondering if I could get a photo?"

I smiled at the girl before nodding. Her mum pulled out her phone, pointing it at us before tapping the screen a few times, grinning at the result.

"Thank you so much, my friends are going to be so jealous that I met you"

"No thank you for being such a lovely fan. I hope you have a great day"

She squealed as I walked off towards the coffee shop. I checked my phone, looking at the clock to notice I still have time to make it to the coffee shop without being late. I attempted to speed walk so I had a chance of getting there first but Milo was having none of it.

The café was small and somehow secluded from the rest of the city, tucked beside the edge of a grassy area away from the high-rise buildings and corporate rush around it. It had ivy growing up the side of the walls and big windows at the front that opened it out onto the world. Whilst I wanted to leave a lot of things in France and never go back to them, this was a nice way to enjoy the things I did miss.

Stepping in I was greeted by the owner. She was in her late fifties and had become an almost motherly figure to me. We had become reasonably close after I became a regular and because she was one of the only people I could speak French with.


I don't speak French so
sorry if the translations
are awful


"Ash tu es de retour et tu as acheté mon chiot préféré"
'Ash you're back and you bought my favourite puppy'

She smiled bringing me in for a hug.

"Table pour une personne à la fenêtre?"
'Table for one person at the window?'

"Non, je rencontre en fait un ami"
'No, I'm actually meeting a friend'
I say nodding to where Florence is sitting, looking down at her phone.

"Oh, elle est très jolie. J'espère que ce n'est pas la dernière fois que vous l'amenez ici"
'Oh, she is very pretty. I hope this isn't the last time you bring her here'

𝕋ℍ𝔼 𝕄𝕆𝔻𝔼𝕃 || || 𝕗𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕡𝕦𝕘𝕙Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant