Dreams & Coffe equals Love

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 With a flinch of his body, the teenager came back to reality. The darkness of the night surrounded him and did not help his tormenting tiredness. Tired so infinitely tired he was. The brown-haired man ran his eyes before an exhausted yawn crossed his lips. ,,Shit," Quentin muttered, exhausted, and let his head fall onto the steering wheel. He pressed the horn and again he flinched. His eyes wandered to the passenger seat and he took the folded map in his hands. His eyes could not see anything on the map in the dark surroundings, so he looked for the artificial light in the car. When he pressed the button, he did not know that the light would blind him so much. Painfully he squeezed his eyes shut and would have loved to scream in frustration.

His left hand held the card and his right looked in the coffee hallter for a can of Energy-Drink. But as soon as he lifted it, he realized that there was hardly more than a tiny sip inside. "This can't be, I just stopped" said his inner voice and he took the last sip of the Taurine-Drink. Briefly, he pulled a face, the rest tasted stale and disgusting. His attention returned to the map and his fingers traced the street of Springwood to his approximate location, even if he had misjudged a bit, Quentin knew where he was.

He cursed again when he realized he had no more rest towns ahead of him. He took another look at the map, but he couldn't turn around that fast either. His goal New York was still far from being reached of the eight hours he needed by car from Springwood Ohio to New York he had only managed three and a half. But because of his condition, he was making slow progress. The next city he would have to consider was Toronto.

The teenager put the map back on the seat and started the engine. The car started and Quentin turned on the headlights.These illuminated the empty highway for him. He was initially puzzled why hardly anyone was driving next to him, behind him, in front of him, or even towards him.

But the teenager had soon dismissed it as an unfortunate coincidence. When he drove for a few minutes, the possibility came to his mind that it was his tormentor.
Quentin turned on the radio and tried to concentrate on the driving as well as the music and the reporters.
When his eyes caught a sign that read "Toronto" he was relieved to have reached the city soon.
His eyes went from the sign back to the road.

To his surprise, the noise came from the radio, which seemed to have made a mistake. ,,And now back to Fred with the weather" came from some reporter who was talking some irrelevant shit about sports. Insignificant and simply serving as a distraction for the driver, he continued to listen. He blinked and blinked again before the blinking lasted for a moment too long and he was jolted out of his state by the sound of the road marking.

As his eyes focused on the road, his familiar form appeared to him. But instead of turning the steering wheel as he did a year ago, he drove on at an increased speed. ,,Piss off," he hissed at the figure and like an illusion he disappeared.
Almost convulsively and hardly reassuringly, he slowly lowered the speed in order not to cause an unnecessary accident. ,,Someone has become courageous. I can hardly wait for the next meeting. I greet my little Nany from you " came at once a voice known only to him too well for him. Fearfully, almost panic-stricken, he hit the on / off button that he would have cursed himself in retrospect if it had broken.

He sighed and tried to concentrate back on the signs. To his nervous relief, the exit to the city was already in sight. After his car had taken it and he drove slowly towards the city, he let out another yawn. His gaze wandered to his cell phone which, after a short switch-on, showed the time one o'clock in the morning. About half an hour he was able to struggle with reaching Toronto which did not brighten his mood. When he arrived in the city itself, he slowed down to get a better view of the stores. But to his misfortune, they all seemed to be closed. Only when he turned a corner into WoodsboroStreet.

Dream , Coffe , Demon and a little loveWhere stories live. Discover now