-kiri's pov-

I walk into the packs campsite and immediately get flooded with questions "who is he" "why did you bring him here" "is the pore boy ok" "where did you find him" "is he alive" I get asked by multiple people "guys calm down i was on patrol and I heard a sound I ran to it to see him at the bottom of a cliff he must have fallen from the cliff I think his ankle is broken

-Mina's pov-

The boy is so cuteeeeee "will he stay?" "We'll have to ask if he wants to but first I need to get him to Momo" "allright I'll go" I'm going to tell everyone 

-Kiri pov-

She's so telling everyone anyways I go to momos room and get denki help I walk into and start telling Momo about the situation 

-time skip because I'm a lazy ass momos pov-

We just need to put a cast on and give him a few stitches  

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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