Chapter 11

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I wanted so badly to understand why the growing feeling within me wouldn't go away, but I knew that nothing would solve the problem, so I let it be. Every day was just the same thing, I got up, ate, and trained. Neither Sky nor Life spoke to me but I could see on their face that they were worried about me but knowing how much damage I already created; they left me to myself. Which I was thankful for because I didn't know back then how much I needed time to process everything. 

As I finished up training for the day, I went to grab my water when someone step in front of me and when I looked up to my surprise it was Rosa. She looked nervous standing in front of me and I couldn't blame her. I did slam her into a wall and threaten her life but why was she now coming to me when all I did was hurt her? "Can I help you with anything, Rosa?" She bites her lip as she looks away before taking a deep breath and speaking. "I'm sorry for everything." I looked at her in shock, "What are you talking about Rosa? I'm the one who hurt you, I should be the one to say sorry." Rosa shocked her head, "I know you saw me kiss Sky."

That when it hit me, the feeling growing within me was anger, sadness, and a bit of madness. I never talked about what I saw that day and not wanting to create more problems, I just keep my mouth shut about it. But here was Rosa saying sorry for it all, I looked at her before pulling her in for a hug. "Look I'm sorry that I hurt you and you don't have to be sorry. I had no right to take my anger out on you when I had no right to when it comes to a private moment." Rosa did nothing for a second, maybe taken aback by my hug, but soon she hugged me back. " Look I like Life and Sky but I know they don't feel the same way I still try to be with them but when you come, it felt like it was falling apart even more." 

As I pulled away I couldn't help but laugh, "I don't have a chance with them either; after what I did, I don't think they would want to be with me." Rosa laughs before saying, "You do have a chance, I know they're crazy about you. After every practice, they talk with each other about you and how they're worried about you." I bite my lip, for the first time I was lost for words. I knew they were worried about me but I didn't know how bad I was doing than good.  Rosa looked at me for a second before turning away and walking to the door but not before saying, "You still have time to make it right." 

I sigh as I grab my things and started the walk to the kitchen for my snack of the day. Peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a protein bar, some will think it wasn't enough for me to eat but with everything that happen. I couldn't hold much down for that last couple of days, it just been me stressing that I was losing Life and Sky but maybe Rosa did have a point. I just had to win them back but how was I going to do that when neither of them will speak to me? As I took my snack to my room, I accidentally bump into someone. "I'm so sorry," with my sandwich lost on the floor, I look to see who I bump into just to see Sky looking at me. 

I didn't know what to say all I could do was take a step back. Sky wasn't even paying attention to what was happening because she wouldn't stop staring at me. It felt like hours were flying by when I finally spoke, "Is there something I can help you with Sky?" Sky not saying a thing just stood there staring at me until she reach out for my arm pulling me in close and kissing me. I didn't know what to do as my eyes widen in shock. It had been days since I last got to kiss Sky but here she was now kissing me like nothing that happens has happened. Not knowing when I will ever get this chance again. 

I wrap my arm around her neck and pulled her as closely as I can get. It felt like it was going to last forever when Sky pulled away and smiled. For the first time, Sky looked happy, after everything that has happen, I never got the chance to see Sky smile and with that I never wanted her to stop. "I been wanting for days to talk to you and when Rosa come to talk to me..." I look at Sky confused, "Rosa came to talk to you?" She shocked her head, "Rosa told me that I shouldn't let what happened to stop me from talking to you and just explaining everything. She also told me that you saw us kiss and that's why you got mad." 

I look away so confused about what I was being told but then Sky touch my cheek and pulled my face back to her again. "I'm sorry that I couldn't see the pain in your eyes when you got mad that day or that you were even there watching." I bit my lip and pulled away from her, even though I wanted to be so close to her at the moment. There was so much for me to learn about myself that I knew if I let her or Life back in again that I wouldn't know if I would snap like that again. I couldn't watch myself hurt them again just because I couldn't control my feeling.

"I'm sorry but I see my wrongdoing and at this moment, I think it's best to keep my distance between you guys until I can learn to control whatever is inside me." Sky looked taken aback for once but smile again. She took my hand and kissed it before walking off again, leaving me wondering if I made the right choice. I pick up the sandwich and walked back to the kitchen hoping to get another one before dinner but as I started to walk this heavy feeling grew within me.

Something was pulling me in and I didn't know where it was coming from, worried that it may be her trying to come out, I put the plate down on the nearest table and went right to my room to lay down. Before I could even make it to the door, I fall and was pulled into the dark room where Amarisa was hiding. I turn around in hope that she would show herself and let me go but then a door appear out of nowhere. Not having any other choice, I pulled the door open and walked inside. 

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