Sonic's Fear of Water

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Everyone was relaxing at a beach however there was someone who could not relax.

"Sonic it will be fine" Tails told Sonic trying to get him into the ocean "NO!" Sonic yelled as he sat at the top of a palm tree "Sonic if you don't come down i'll use my hammer!" "STILL NO!!" Knuckles then walked over there and punched the tree thinking Sonic would fall from the tree but instead he just jumped to another tree "Faker why don't you like water?" everyone thought he just dislikes water but Shadow and Rouge know better since they know what trauma looks like. The only one who actually knows why he's like that is Eggman which he was present and he just sighed as he watched them attempt to get the hedgehog into the water "NO REASON I...JUST DONT LIKE WATER" Sonic told at them Shadow, Rouge and Eggman just sighed "Doctor do you know why he is like this?" Shadow asked Eggman who was surprised as was everyone else "I dont think he would appreciate me telling all of you and I dont feel like risking" the part of he didn't want to risk it confused everyone but they brushed it off then Sonic yelled "DONT YOU DARE TELL THEM!!!" then Scourge came out of nowhere and said "Its cause one time he was being chased by Robotnik's Robots and then when they reached a bridge they cut it and he fell into a river and almost died" everyone looked horrified and surprised then Sonic yelled "DAMN IT SCOURGE YOU BETTER RUN BEFORE I COME AFTER YOU!" Scourge who was aware of his fate only brushed it off and ran for his life and Eggman also knowing only sighed again then Rouge asked "He said Robotnik which would be Eggman" Eggman who looked horrified as to being blamed he then replied "No! that was my brother's doing" after that everyone was hesitant to get him into the water when they saw Fleetway throw him into the ocean "Hah! Revenge motherf----!!" then he dissapeared some then went to go rescue him since if they all went it would end badly once they got him and he started breathing he said "Damn it Fleet!" everyone was confused then Shadow said "Faker he said revenge? Revenge on what?" Sonic then answered "Its cause I stopped him from murder and destruction quite a few times and he's mad at me for it" this left everyone trying to process everything when Sonic then said "If you dont mind I have a Scourge to kill i'll be back" since everyone was still in shock excluding Eggman who only followed Sonic to stop him from killing Scourge.

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