"I don't feel comfortable answering that, sir." The judge nodded to me that it was okay. I turned back to the questions.

"When was the first time you had sex with Mr. Hoying?"

"I think it was....eleven days in."

"Why did you two choose to do this?" I glanced up at where Scott was sitting. He was avoiding my gaze.

"Because I felt ugly."

"And why would a handsome boy such as yourself feel ugly?" I let my eyes travel over to Dan.

"Because of something that Dan did to me. What caused Scott to panic on whether or not I was going to die. The reason I found out that besides his asshole-ish nature, he was a really nice and sweet man."

"And what did one of my clients do to you?" I saw Dan get a spark of panic in his eyes. I turned once again to the judge.

"Am I allowed to show people what I mean?"

"As long as it's not flashing the crowd."

"I'll turn around." He smiled at me. I turned my back to the people watching and pulled the back of my shirt up to show the nasty scars that were carved onto my back. "Can I put my shirt down now?"

"Yes, son, you can." The judge answered me. I put my shirt back in its rightful place and sat back down. I looked at Scott who seemed to be still staring as if my blemished skin was still on display.

"I have no further questions, your honor." The man who was questioning me sat down next to Javen, Dan, and a couple other men I didn't recognize. Scott's lawyer got up to question me now. He came over to introduce himself.

"Hello, Mitch. I'm Grant Wholner."

"Hi." I smiled a small smile to show that I didn't mind him. The other man just began questioning me. This one could see I was uncomfortable though.

"Mr. Grassi, were you informed on the results of the test you took at the hospital? Not the drug test." I felt my heart stop as I shook my head. "Would you like to hear the results?"

"Y-Yes?" I made it sound like a question when I didn't mean to.

"There was-" Grant stopped to look at Scott who shook his head then the judge who reluctantly nodded. "There was two different men." I hid my face in my hands. "They matched to Daniel Trince and Javen Facide." I couldn't stop myself from crying. I heard Dan say something about me 'asking for it'.

"You son of a bitch! I didn't want it! I didn't want anything you ever did to me!" The judge began banging the gavel loudly. Scott was trying to keep from running up to comfort me. I fell back in my chair. "I just wanted to run away. I just wanted to run away."

"Run away from what, Mitch?"

"When Scott took me I was thankful. And it wasn't Stockholm. I know that much. I was tired of an abusive father. I was tired of a mother that wasn't around. I was tired of hiding my sexuality from my parents. I was tired of a cheating boyfriend. I was tired of being sick and being treated like I was going to have a seizure any second. Scott helped me get away and in the process I fell in love with him. Even if he was being a selfish dick. I like him the way he is." I glanced up at Scott. He had a smile that was trying to be contained. When we made eye contact, he gave me a wink.

"You're strong. You need to know that." I nodded slowly. It was the only thing I could think to do. They sat me down after the questioning was done. I was sitting behind Scott. I wanted nothing more than to hold his hand in comfort. He really meant a lot. And I could tell he was trying to do everything to keep from reaching out towards me. Then Scott was up on the stand. The rude lawyer was questioning him first.

"Mr. Hoying, you are a killer correct? You get paid to kill people?"

"I do. I only accept the jobs of disgust criminals such as rapists." Scott's gaze was resting on Javen and Dan.

"You're telling me you've never kill an innocent man?" Scott shook his head. "Not even your father?"

"My father wasn't an innocent man. He took advantage of my mother. He attempted for years to kill me. He beat me. And when the teachers asked me about it, I was taken out of the system and given a new name. My father was a monster." The lawyer seemed out of anything to ask. He was caught off guard by Scott's very solid answers. Scott looked towards the jury. "I don't care if I get put in jail for saying this. But if you don't convict these men, I'm going to kill them for what they did to Mitch. He didn't deserve any of this." Scott was looking down at his lap when the jury began to whisper and the lawyer sat down. Grant came up to the judge and gave him a tape recorder.

"This is just something to show that Mr. Grassi is not experiencing Stockholm." The tape was played and it was our conversation from earlier. There was something after Scott was walking away though. "Why didn't you kiss him?" It was Grant who asked it.

"Hopefully, it will be easier for him to forget. His life is already fucked up because of me. I'm trying to make leaving easier." The recorder was turned off. Scott was biting his bottom lip. I couldn't tell what he was thinking right now. He was shutting his emotions on the inside.

"Did you have sexual relations with Mitch Grassi?"


"Was it voluntary for both people?" Scott looked over at me. My only response was a smile.


"Do you love Mr. Grassi despite age differences?"

"I love Mitch with all my heart." Grant closed his eyes.

"You understand that the age of consent in California and Oregon is eighteen right?"

"Yes, I do." I held onto the back of the bench in front of me.

"You understand that you committed statutory rape? Even if Mr. Grassi was willing?"

"Yes." Every time Scott answered a question, his voice got quieter.

"That is a crime that could be tried in a court of law just like this."

"Yes, I know. And I'm willing to go to jail for it. I'm willing to go to jail for all my mistakes. Put me in a jail with those guys though and you'll be losing prisoners." Scott came to sit back down after he was dismissed. I held my hand out for his and he gladly accepted it. In the moment where the jury was ready to reveal what they came to agree was right, everything stopped. I held Scott's hand in mine and looked into his wonderful blue eyes. He looked back into my eyes.

"Mr. Facide and Mr. Trince are found guilty." I closed my eyes, my hand gripping Scott's hand tighter. "Mr. Hoying is cleared of all charges." I opened my eyes when the judge said that Javen and the other men would be put away for life. And that Scott would be put in witness protection for sure. Apparently he wasn't free of the charges of being with me. But now he was. I pulled Scott into a kiss whenever he stood up. I quickly pulled away when I remembered the people around us.

"I'm sor-" I was cut off by him pulling me into a stronger kiss. My arms went around his neck. Someone cleared their throat. I backed away from Scott. I looked at Grant with a blush on my cheeks.

"You know....everyone who was proven innocent or a victim has to go into witness protection. I can always arrange for certain people to be together." I got an excited smile on my face. I launched myself forward to hug Grant.

"Thank you!" I felt Scott's hand on my waist. I turned around to look at him.

"What do you say? Want to run away with me?" I hugged him before kissing him again. I pulled away to whisper against his lips.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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