Começar do início

She was staring down at her project which she had sat on the table, her gaze one of questioning and doubt.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"What if they don't like it?" She said after a pause, messing around with the little Hopper figure in front of the cabin.

"I'm sure they'll love it, El. It'll be okay. It looks great, by the way." I told her, hoping to lighten her mood.

"Thanks. It took a long time and a lot of work. I hope they don't laugh." She said, picking up the tiny wooden squirrel.

"They won't. It's so good, they'll have to love it." I assured her, giving her a pat on the back as I looked down at her creation.

It really was cute. And it was quite accurate as well.
She lived there for probably more than two years, stayed there everyday all day with nothing much to do. So it's no suprise that every possible detail was included.

My thoughts were cut short when a series of honks came from our driveway, shortly followed by Jonathan tumbling through the halls and then down the stairs.

"Lets go!" He called, heading for the door.

El grabbed her cabin project and I grabbed my board, the both of us leaving out the door as Jonathan followed behind us, shutting it as he did.

I slid the back of the van open, allowing El to get in before I did, taking a seat before sliding the door back.
Jonathan also got in and settled himself, giving Argyle a fistbump before doing so.

Jonathan pulled the sun visor down, grabbing a pair of sunglasses out of it and putting them on.

"All right!" Argyle said as he turned around to face us.
"Hold on to your butts brochachos."

With a stomp of the gas pedal we flew off down the road, and a sight of my mother running out the door to yell after him was visible in the rear view mirror. It sparked me as curious for what she could've possibly yelled.

It didn't take long with Argyles speed to end up at Lenora High, though I'm pretty sure I had a mild case of whiplash by the time I stepped out of the van.

The four of us headed out and towards the school, walking through the crowds of students before going through the school doors.

Jonathan and Argyle went their separate ways and me and El walked through the halls again, just like we did any other day.

She threw her hand up to wave at a girl she had classes with, though she didn't get a wave back.

I didn't really know why she still tried, I guess it could be to do with being locked up her whole life. She never truly got the chance to grab the cues and gestures of real life. But now that she knows better and is adapting more, I would've thought she'd have grasped the idea that a lot of people didn't like us.

I could never tell her, I didn't have the heart to, but everyone knew she was different. They knew she wasn't like everyone else. And while all of us know why...others don't. The kids at school just assume she's slow or has some sort of learning disability, and while there's nothing wrong with that, kids are vile and mean. No one knows how to be nice anymore. Not like they ever knew before.

I've been bullied since I was young, all the way back in kindergarten to be specific.
Mike was my first friend, the only one who ever cared to talk to me and I'll forever be grateful for that.

But even after me, Mike, Dustin and Lucas became a group we were still bullied. Harder even for just being a group of potential freaks.

We all had our differences.
Lucas was black
Mike was severely unpopular and held no girls intrest.
Dustin had Cleidocranial Dysplasia.
And I was just the poor meek little kid with no friends.

Possibly Forever (Will Byers x Female reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora