Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

It was also that reason why their office was not as large or grand as the other attorneys in Magical Britain. While lawyers who serve families like the Malfoys, the Puceys, the Greengrasses, Parkinson, Crabbe and Goyle, and even the Blacks have lavishing furniture in nice parts of the cities, they were working in a small building where below them was a pub that her mistress also runs, to help with the rent.

Coming to the door, Hermione put up a pleasant smile and was to greet the supposed client only eat her words and say, "Ron?"

Wearing his Auror uniform of white knee-breeches, boots, a maroon coat with wide lapels and black trimmings, and their badge pinned on the left side of his chest, Ron Weasley stood at the doorway holding a cloth used as a basket for what she was not sure of. His hair was all in disarray, probably from a chase or the wind blowing it. If only there was wind at all today.

"Ron, what are you doing here?" she asked.

"I – uh – I was stationed here, for the week. And, um, it's my break and I thought maybe I could visit you with lunch," he lamely gestured to the cloth-basket that she now realized held food.

"Oh! Well, my Mistress and I were just about to head out to get some ice cream. Maybe you would like to join us?"

Ron frowned. "Actually, I was hoping that maybe it would be just –"

The door opened. The bell rung.

Ron rolled his eyes and sighed. He moved aside to let the client in only to stumble in his steps as he saw a face he did not expect to see now or at all after they left Hogwarts. In fact, the only time he expected to see Theodore Nott's face was when the duke would come to the Ministry when he was assigned there.

"Your Grace!" Hermione curtsied. When she noticed Ron not bowing in the presence of the duke, she whispered to him. Calling his name to remind him of his manners. But Ron was too baffled to do or say anything.

Theodore Nott merely glanced at Ron before moving around him to address Hermione face to face. "No need, Miss Granger, I know Weasley has never been fond of me." He said. "I came here to ask for your assistance – your Mistress' assistance in some matters."

The mention of her mistress summoned the witch out of the office. She gasped and curtsied clumsily before the duke. Once up right, Hermione could see the confusion to why the Duke of Danu was in their office, rather in their building at all. A flush of red passed the woman's face when she realized the journey the duke had to take to make it to their office. He had to go through the pub ran by the barmaid, dodging mannerless men, and then up the creaking stairs where he would be greeted by a door with a plaque that was the only thing of value displayed outside.

"Attorney Bunty Broadacre," Theodore greeted. "It is a pleasure to meet you. I heard so much of you from Miss Granger."

"I-I-I was not informed that you and Miss Granger are friends."

"No!" Theodore and Hermione quickly said, catching each other's attention, gaining a confused look from the witch. "She's a friend of a friend," Theodore supplied while Hermione said, "He is an acquaintance – more like school rivals."

"Yes, she wasn't particularly fond of me beating her for the highest honors." Theodore smiled mockingly. Which ticked Hermione, that was the closest to a smile she will ever get from him.

"I almost beat you if it weren't for that 0.02 points." She said through gritted teeth.

"It still does not change anything, though. But you should be glad, you were Head Girl, I believe."

Broadacre and Ron exchange glances before she asked, "And you weren't Your Grace?"

Hermione crossed her arms over her chest. "He was supposed to be, but he said that he did not want to work with me."

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