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Marc and Y/n head to the black market in town and they look around for awhile, and Marc says to this man at his stand "I'm looking for Senfu's sarcophagus"
The man says scaredly "Se...Senfu?" And starts backing up. Y/n says "a little too strong don't ya think?" He says "not in the slightest" and all of a sudden Layla walks up behind him saying "I hope you like attention... right guy, right place, but you're not Egyptian" y/n says "it doesn't matter Layla. We need to find the tomb now! There's no time for lollygagging around waiting for the right time to come" and rolls her eyes. Layla does the same.
Marc says "Layla, what the heck are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. Y/n and I can handle this perfectly fine."
Layla says " why, because my name ticks off a few people in Cairo? I don't care" y/n rolls her eyes.
Marc says " It's not the locals I'm worried about." And looks up, y/n notices too.
Layla says " come with me. I can help you find what you need."

-a car ride later and onto a boat-

Marc says "So, what exactly are we going to do here? What's the plan?" Layla sits in silence for a minute and
Y/n says "Layla we don't have time to waste!!!!"
Layla says "hush woman. You're going to blow it if you don't shut up"
Marc says "woah woah chill. I know y'all don't get along but that was rude Layla. And y/n/n, you are being a little loud" and smiles softly and confusedly. Y/n returns the smile and nods.
Layla says " it's not pleasant being left in the dark is it?"
Y/n says "we don't have time, tell us now"
She ignores her comment and Marc look off and guiltily says "okay, I get that you're not happy about me Leaving so quickly and coming to Cairo. I understand." She leans forward and says "but is that your apology?" With a smart-alec tone. And continues with " that's good, that's really good" Marc grabs her hands which makes y/n look down and out of the boat. Marc says " just so we can get through tonight right, Let's just give our stuff a rest for a moment" and swirling his arms back-and-forth. He adds " Just rest for a moment, stargaze before we get to-" Layla says "Mogarts?" Y/n turns her head aggressively and Marc says both at the same time "Mogarts?"
Layla says " just so you know, I'm not here to help you or your little friend over there. I'm here for me and for everyone else Who would die if Harrow succeeds."
Marc says "copy that" y/n says "thank God" and fakely wipes sweat from her forehead in sighs.
Marc says "I am sorry, for... for whatever that's worth" silence falls before them and he continues to say " so this Mogart Guy, so he's really going to have his sarcophagus?"
She sighs annoyingly and says "Yes, I asked around, Mogarts Collection is prime Gossip to those Who deal with antiques"
Everyone else on the boat starts hooting and hollering.
Marc hesitantly leans forward and says "I haven't heard that sound since our wedding."
Layla says brokenly " you could've told me, you know, what it's been like for you" and sniffles and adds "about Steven"
Y/n looks over and gives her a dirty look and gives a faint smile to Marc to reciprocates it.
Marc says " For what it's worth, I had it all under control until recently." Layla says what happened?"
Y/n can sense that Marc It's starting to feel very upset and embarrassed.
Marc speaks up and says " it doesn't matter" Layla leans forward and grabs his hands that are folded and says "We could've handled it together"
Marc says "yea, but then Steven found someone who really helped him and she's sitting right next to me" and looks over at her and smiles. He adds "but, that isn't really what I do is it?" And looks slightly sarcastic and slightly sad.
He also says " never really been able to just open up and talk about everything"
Layla adds "anything real"
He nods and says "right" and Layla says "I know, but doesn't that mean we shouldn't have?"
He pats her hands on her leg to remove them from his and says " yeah maybe. But it's a little too late for that don't you think?" And chuckles.
They arrive at the place and Marc says " this guy has a lot of friends"
Layla says " yeah and with a lot of guns. But remember you are Rufino Estrada My husband, and y/n you are Natalia Hernandez his adopted sister."
Marc says " I know, I know, we just came back from our honeymoon in the Maldives"
Layla Walks up to the man and says "Bek" the man says "Layla, it has been a while and kisses her hand"
Y/n says " so what, this lunatic puts on knight fights and his backyard? "
Layla says " no, he gets private riding lessons by the best in his backyard"
Marc laughs and says "I ageee with y/n/n" and laughs more. Layla says "shut up he might hear you"
The man waves down Layla to come in the corral and y/n and Marc follow her in.
They make casual talk for a awhile, but then the man asks " Mind if I may ask, why such an interest in Senfu in particular?"
Layla says " oh actually our purchases are-" he interrupted her and says " i'm sorry, but I'd like to hear from your husband if you don't mind."
She says "no problem at all"
Marc says " I think that... I think that... I just want to take a look" Layla inconspicuously rolls her eyes at Marc's answer. The man says "funny man, Go on"
Layla walks off with him and says "Marc, let Steven out before you blow this"
He says " No way, all right what do you see" to Steven. Y/n says "Marc, i'll help I know a lot about the stars due to who my Goddess is" and chuckles.
He nods. Layla says " there's no location here, this is useless" y/n rolls her eyes and says " it has to be unlocked" and rolls her eyes meanwhile Steven says " Because the information has to be unlocked, it's coded" y/n says "Marc, I know Stephen is talking to you so listen to him, I'll be right here to help as well"and smiles. Marc says "okay ummm...ummm, Layla go and give me a minute I need to talk to Steven, just... just keep him occupied"
She walks off And the man says "Layla, I was so ready to make peace with you" she says " you don't understand, we're trying to save many lives" putting her arms in the air, Marc and y/n do the same while Marc says " hey, look inside the sarcophagus"
A man comes up in whispers something in his ear and he says " oh wow, look at that. It looks like we have a third-party" and walks off towards the third-party.
Harrow walks out saying " I'm sure whatever they told you I can offer you something much more tangible... Why settle for a clue when you could have The treasure?"
All three of them start to argue while Marc and y/n are standing there watching what's happening.
Harrow says "Layla, You keep thinking that Distance will prevent The wounds of your father's murderer from reopening. But somethings stand in your way, your husband does not tell you the truth" she looks over at Mark and he knods his head. Harrow says "And Marc, You don't tell her because you Know that if you do, she'll see you exactly as you does yourself. Unworthy of love" Marc says "you peace of-" y/n says " all you do is lie Harrow, I love him and he deserves it" Marc looks over and smiles. Harrow adds "y/n y/l/n, you go to sleep with terrors of the war and can never shake them. Yet you try to help others when you can't even help yourself. Don't forget about you being an orphan because your parents didn't want you" y/n starts to tear up and Nut says "hon, I chose you as my avatar when you were born, I knew you would do great things and be the hero everyone needs in this world. You're doing a great job stay strong" y/n sucks it up and stares at him with her tear filled eyes but never once do they fall. Marc looks over at y/n sympathetically and surprisingly so does Layla. Harrow says " The sarcophagus is dangerous and doesn't belong to anyone"
Khonshu appears to Marc And says "do it. Summon the suit. Give them what they deserve!" Marc looks up intently as he sees Khonshu standing of far on a hill.
Harrow starts chanting in Ammits language and the sarcophagus explodes. Harrow says " that's just some of the power I have"
Khonshu says aggravatedly "what are you waiting for?!"
Harrow walks off and A man says panickly "they're gone!"
Moon Knight then shows up on top of a tower and Starlight right under him.
He throws his two moons at the guys and jumps down with his cape making a crescent moon. Starlight darts acrossed the field punching and kicking all the men.
Layla eventually gets the hint and start shooting.
Everyone on horses starts shooting at Layla but all of a sudden Moon Knight shows up in front of her and covers her with his cape.
Starlight and Moonnight continue to fight the men, while Layla runs to grab some of the things they needed but, the man walks up and she starts to fight him.
Steven says " stop it, stop it... No marc." He continues to fight but Steven says " give me the body Marc"
Mark then gives the body to Steven and Steven says "oh I'm so sorry, you alright" And drops the man.
He turns around and says " That's it, all right," while doing the timeout hand while spinning. And continues " That's it, time out, Guys, that's all calmed down yeah? We're all worked up. Let's all just like chill the f out and talk for a second" while still spinning around talking to everyone. As a sphere gets thrown at Steven and he says " take the body, take the body, Marc" panickly and turns back into Moonlight pulling the spear out.
Y/n comes running towards him attempting to help him but a man on a horse knocked her over with a spear meanwhile Moon Knight is still on the ground.
He sees that she is hurt and his face mask comes off and screams "Y/N!!"
And aggressively fights off all the men and runs to save her, The man on the horse sees what he's about to do and runs after her but Marc continues to run towards her and dives on the ground rolling her out of the way of the horse. after saving her he throws his moon at the man and helps y/n up saying "hey babe are you alright?"
Y/n says " I don't know what happened, the armor came off. I... I... that... that had nev... never happened before" and starts shaking. Marc gets her up and hugs her saying "it'll be alright, you'll be fine" and smiles.
Layla walks up saying "I got them" while panting.
She adds " we need to find a car" they nods and walk off.
Khonshu says " tick-tock Marc Spector, tick-tock"

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