chapter 2 part 1

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To:my wonderful readers.
Hello peeps welcome to another chapter lol my last one was 2206 words a new record let's see if I can beat it haha but please do consider voting and following me if you're new enough of that tho I'm sure you didn't come to read a story about me rambling enjoy
From: you're friend or enemy stoopy🙂🙃

Next to the building's entrance was a ten year old street kid. Her clothes we're torn and dirty. She wore a tattered coat with the hood up, a blue scarf, and woolen gloves. She hugged herself and rocked from side to side, trying to keep warm.

Occasionally she'd hold out her hands to passersby, but they didn't even bother to glance in her direction. They always knew she was there. Of course they did. They always knew. They'd learn to block people like her out. The homeless. The destitute.
Rei looked at Azreal.
She had her own pair of pocket binoculars pressed to her eyes. "Oh no."
"What?" Rei asked.
Azreal pointed. "He's early."
Rei's stomach knotted, and she hopped Kai would be ready in time. She looked back to the street and watched their target march to the millbarn building.
Richard Hardy had short brown hair and was clean-Shaven. He wore a black tailored suit and a red silk tie. On his risk was a Rolex president watch, eighteen-karat gold, encrusted with thirty carat of diamonds. Lastly, rei's eyes moved to Richard's shoes. Tanino crisci. Bespoke. Black leather. Expensive.
Rich jerk.
Hardy walked with his nose in the air. Even his stride was arrogant. He was a few feet away from the entrance when the homeless girl stepped in front of him. She said something and held out her gloved hands. Hardy flinched and tried to walk around her but the girl mirrored his move, blocking his path. Large pleading eyes. Hands still outstretched.

Hardy huffed his annoyance, obviously realizing the girl wasn't going to go away. He reluctantly fished in his pocket, pulled out a coin, and tossed into the girls waiting hands.

Her eyes lit up and she beamed at him.
Hardy hurried passed her and pushed through the glass doors without a backward glance.
Rei refocused her binocular sights on the girl as she ran down the street and then stopped in a narrow alleyway opposite. She held the coin in her gloved fingers, as if it were a precious artifact. With her other hand, she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out an object that looked something like a calculator.

The girl pressed a button and a white band of light appeared above the narrow display. She waved the device over the coin a few times, then looked directly up at Rei and Azreal. "Got it?" her small voice asked in Rei's earpiece. Azreal set to work, and a few clicks later the image of the coin appeared on the netbook screen. "Applying filters. " The picture changed color, went from positive to negative, and the unmistakable lines of Richard Hardy's fingerprint emerged.  Azreal grinned and said into the mic, "Got it. Good job. "

The girl, Noelle beamed up at them "Thanks."
"Go to the meeting point like we said okay?"
"Okay." Noelle turned and skipped down the alleyway, disappearing into the darkness. Rei scanned the building opposite with the binoculars. "Phase three," she muttered

Future stoopy here guys that's it friends. sorry it's not longer I tried but my mental health is shit and so is my motivation I tried beating my word record as you can see but failed miserably lol but that's enough rambling I can't promise that part 2 will be out soon but I'll try as always have a good day/night/afternoon

-Your friend or enemy stoopy

Word count : 636

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