Im full of spiders, bite me until its painful.

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The next day played out a little differently then Bo and Woody had become accustomed to.

They couldn't find any lost toys.

They didn't see any people around.

The carnival was over.

The other lost toys had initially panicked. But soon, Bo and Woody had calmed them all down.

Woody was the most panicked out of all of them.

Either way, he tried to stay calm so that the others wouldn't panic.

But one thought kept re-entering his mind.

Bonnie surely isn't coming back now.

"What are we going to do, Bo?" Woody asked as soon as the other toys had continued with their own business.

"I usually just.. lay low. Until next carnival when we miss the chance to leave with it." Bo sighed.

"How long does it usually take?"

"About a few months at the least and more than a year at the most."

Woody began to panic more.

More than a year?

"Woody is anything wrong?"

"No of course not, I was just a little worried about Bonnie. No big deal."

"Alright then. Be sure to tell the others about the plan for now."

"I will, Bo." He smiled


Woody told the lost toys about the current plan.

It managed to at least help calm most of them down.

Woody then went to he and Bo's usual spot near the antique shop.

He tried his best to think of the bright side, at least he knew he could see those he grown so close to again one day rather than never seeing them ever again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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