"Submissive like this, you're so cute." Kamol said before kissing Kim's cheek lightly. Kim turned around and pursed his lips tightly. "So, you really want me here as your wife?" Kim asked curtly.

"Yes," replied Kamol.

"Even though we both don't love each other and we've only slept together twice?" Kim asked bluntly.

"No, you're wrong. Not twice. You didn't count it right, because at that time you could only sigh in a sweet voice." Kamol rebutted who managed to make Kim's face redden.

"Master Kamol!" Kim shouted, pushing his chest to ease the awkward feeling that Kamol's words had caused.

"Shhh, calm down. You said we don't love each other? Well maybe that's true. But now I can say that I like you, and believe me any minute you can make me fall in love with you until my head explodes. As for me I will make you love me." Kamol said as he closed his eyes.

Kim frowned at the man who hugged him cluelessly. How could Kamol act like everything was easy?

"Keep dreaming!!!" Kim said. But Kamol had a smile on the corner of his mouth even though he closed his eyes.

"So, you agree to live here with me? Don't ever intend to run away again if you don't want to be punished," Kamol said.

Kim didn't answer, but lay still and thought about himself with Kamol. Kim looked at the person lying down and closed his eyes beside him questioningly. Why did Kamol like him? But when thinking of the man during sex, Kim admits that Kamol can satisfy his desires in an extraordinary way. But in his heart, Kim was reluctant to admit that it was true. Kim looked seriously at the man's face. The person in front of him was really a very handsome man. The whole face looks good on every side. When he looked at those jagged lips, Kim subconsciously blushed again, because it was these lips that kissed and explored Kim's entire body. The recollection of the night was cut short when the sound of Kamol's soft snoring caused Kim to hastily pull himself back up.

"Why do I feel so gullible? How could I possibly agree to live with a pushy lunatic like this?' Kim thought to himself before moving slightly to escape from Kamol's arms. But Kamol still hugged Kim tightly. Kim sighed softly, then waited for Kamol to sleep soundly.After some time, Kim slipped out of Kamol's arms to stand by the bed "Looks like he's really tired. Should I put a pillow over his nose?' Kim muttered to himself, before giving in as he still didn't want to be killed by Kamol's bodyguards.

Kim walked slowly before slowly opening the bedroom door.

"Where are you going, Mr. Kim?" Asked Kamol's bodyguard who was standing in front of the room, surprising Kim.

"Oh no, I just wanted to go out and explore." Kim replied in a calm tone, even though his heart was pounding with trepidation at the attitude of Kamol's subordinates.

"Did Master give you permission?" asked another, as usual.

"Master Kamol is sleeping. Are you going to let me sit in the room alone? If you are afraid that I will run away, you can follow me," Kim said as he left.

Kamol's bodyguard was silent for a moment, before bowing his head.

"Please," replied Kamol's subordinates, because they knew Kim would not be able to escape. But their concern was when the boss he woke up and didn't see Kim.

After receiving a response from Kamol's bodyguard, Kim then walked to the stairs and went downstairs followed by the rest of Kamol's bodyguards, who didn't know where it came from. Kim let out a long sigh. He felt a little uncomfortable with people who followed him like this. The slender legs stepped into the great hall, before entering a room which when he came, Kim saw two women peeking out from there. Upon entering the room, which turned out to be the dining room, no one was in the room. But Kim heard a voice from the next room, so he hesitantly entered the room was followed by the guards. Kim saw two women who were busy cooking with their backs to Kim.

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