Fuck everyone..but you?

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Juniors pov:
Now everyone knew that me and Oliver where I guess..'a thing' yeah im still getting use to it to. Everyone stareing and whispering,  now I know how Jake felt. I almost feel bad for treating him how I did.. now that I know how it feels. Strangly no one's 'bullying' us, well not to our faces at least. My dad found out, he wasn't very fond of it.. but he didn't make me go to a 'straight camp' like lexy said he would make me go to. She's being a bitch about the whole thing. Since I dumped her for a 'twink' kinda made me laugh when she called him that. Hey I know he's my boyfriend but it's funny!! We're supposed to meet with Jake and Devon later.. but Jake still has that weird ass doll. I don't know what to think about it.

3rd Pov:
Everyone decided to hang out at Oliver's, since his parents where never home. Jake brought his doll, like usual, "Can you stop bringing your boy tpy everywhere!"Oliver said rolling his eyes and grabbing Juniors wrists, making him sit next to him on the couch.  Jake hugged and sat near Devon. "Can you stop being a bitch?" He said jokingly, Junior slightly laughed making Oliver slap his arm "You supposed to be on my side dipshit" Oliver said crossing his arms.  "Yeah yeah. Whatever." he said giggling as another knock came to the door. '' I'll get it!" Jake said getting up and setting chucky in the hallway, opening the door to see Lexy. "Why are you hear? Junior is hear lex. leave. "lexy Didn't relpy and stormed in the door,"Well I wanna hang out with you guys." Jake gave her a confused look "since when do you wanna hang out with us?" lexy shrugged and went into the living room, sitting down. Junior and Oliver gave eachother a annoyed look. "Greatttt" Oliver laughed and laid his head on Junior. "So how's being gay going for ya?"lexy asked, making Jake laugh. "the fuck kinda question is that?" Junior asked, laughing slightly as well "Shut up" she huffed. Junior laughed and walked to the bathroom, he stopped getting freaked by Jake's doll, he shook his head heading into the restroom.
Not very long everyone started leaving, Junior of course being the last
He have Oliver a kiss and started leaving.
As he got home his dad was drunk and passed out on the couch, he sighed. Wishing his mom was there, since all his dad was good for was warming the couch. "wake the fuck up" He said grabbing the empty beer bottles off the floor. His dad waking and stareing at him, "why are you back so late!"was the first thing he asked. "Beacuse. Why are you always fucking drunk?" Junior said, tossing the empty qnd half empty cans imto the trash. His dad got up slapping him across the face. "Because I can be. Don't swear at me" Junior looked af him. Glaring, as he walked upstairs, sitting at the edge of his bed. He kept hearing footsteps. As his door creaked open. Junior freezed shocked as Jake's doll stood infront of him, full of life. "I can help you get rid of him." The red headed doll said, pulling a freshly sharpend knife out of his pocket.  "What..Hes a shit person but kill him..? kinda far...how are you mov-" the doll didn't let him finish as he started speaking. "Not worth killing? He drove your mom to kill herself. Hes a lowlife drunk. And hits you." Junior thought for a moment before agreeing to the doll and taking the knife


As Junior cleaned off the blood at changed, he stared in shook, before realizing and regretting what he did. He stares at the doll,and grabbed his phone, running outside, straight to Oliver's house. Knocking on the door.."Junior what'd up?"He asked slightly confused,  Junior grabbed his wrist and pulled him close. "I'll explain later. we need to go" Oliver nodded slowly and followed Junior to his dad's car, which he had the keys to, he got in and so did Oliver, and he started driving.  "i.. killed my dad." Oliver's eyes widen. As he put his hand on Juniors shoulder, "Why?!" Junior rested his head on the steering wheel, as he stopped the car at a gas station, "Jake's doll..it.. ugh. It like..it's alive.. it talked me into it!" Oliver stared. "A doll can't be alive Junior! " .."I fucking telling you! it was okay!?" Oliver nodded and wrapped his arms around Junior, kissing hid cheek and holding him tight.  "Okay calm down I believe you.. relax." Junior kissed Oliver and wrapped his arms around him, hugging him. "What do I do ..?" He said buring his head in Oliver's neck as he sobbed. "Well..we should stay hear tonight okay? we will think of somthing." ..."I fucking hate everyone..but you oliver."


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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