Chapter 9: Fred and Daphne

Start from the beginning

Suit: Too bad the land isn't for sale.

He then starts to get up

Scarf: Yes, too bad. But maybe we'll get lucky

Suit: Right. Maybe this "mysterious" Phantosaur will scare people so much they'll decide to sell us the land 

The Lady with the Scarf then notices something and goes over to it as the Suit joins her

Scarf: there it is.

They go over to the pump cart Y/n and Scooby used to get away from the Phantosaur that has a giant tooth logged in it  as the woman in the Scarf yanks it out 

Scarf: Don't wont to leave evidence lying around.

The two then get into a cra-

A/n: HEY! no swearing 

terrible looking van that has THAUTMATROPE MINING CO. on the side of it as they drive off

Fred: I think we have this one wrapped up.

Daphne: Not quite.

Fred looks at her confused

Daphne: You still haven't caught anyone in a net

Fred then nods shaking off his confusion with a chuckle 

Fred: True. 

We then cut to Velma's room at the La Serena Spa with Fred and Daphne using her computer as she get's ready for her date 

Fred: The side of the van was marked Thaumatrope Mining Company .

Daphne: If only there was some way of we could learn more about Thaumatrope Mining.

Velma still doing her makeup walks up and without looking or really paying attention mange's to types exactly what Daphne needs

Daphne: Oh, yeah. Thanks. 

Fred: They closed down the mine when Svankmajer found the dinosaur bones. Those mining company guys have gotta be behinds the Phantosaur. What do you think Velma?

Velma: Italian.

Fred: What? 

Velma: Or maybe French. I don't know. 

Fred: What are you talking about? 

Velma: What kind of restaurant to go to with Marcie. Is there anything else to talk about?

Suddenly the door opens to Anthony who's seems pis-

A/n: HEY! do I need to replace you? 

Just reading the script boss *holds up Scooby doo the new guy season 2 Script*

A/n: Let me see that * snatches the script from the narrator and sees lines changed with green crayon* I didn't write this ok  just keep reading this and if you see a single swear just replace it *gives back the script* sorry about this readers you may return to your regularly scheduled broadcast  

Anyways Antony walks in looking annoyed

Antony: how about the mystery with the giant Phantosaur? 

Velma thinks for a moment before shaking her head 

Velma: A date with Marcie is the only thing in the world that I care about at the moment plus Fred and Daphne already figured out whose behind it 

Fred and Daphne nod 

Antony: Well, Italian's good for a first date. 

Fred and Daphne look at him sceptically as he blushes 

Antony: #-# Dusk liked it.

Velma: Or possibly sushi. It's a good date food. You know, small pieces that don't interrupt conversation too much. But I won't eat the salmon eggs. Ew. Where did you two go for your first date?

Fred and Daphne then stiffen at the question 

Daphne: that's the thing, we haven't

Velma stops doing her makeup as she slowly turns to look at the two with Fred quickly coming up with a reason

Fred: We haven't had time with all the mystery's and Work 

Velma: Oh    

Then complete silence as Velma continues to get ready ...until Fred decides to break the silence 

Fred: As soon as Shaggy, Scooby and Y/n get back we'll investigate this mining company for clues. 

Antony: Are you sure that's wise?

Fred: Oh shoot, your right Y/n wants to enjoy his vacation not solve another mystery at the moment 

Antony: thought you guys had this figured out? 

Fred: I'm 90% sure

Antony nod's to him as Shaggy and Scooby burst through the doors Yelling up a storm before Y/n calmly walks in behind them and shuts the door leaning his head on it while Shaggy and Scooby start shaking terrified.

Shaggy: Don't wanna go down Dead Man's Avenue.

As Shaggy is talking he goes over to the table that Fred, Daphne and Velma are sat at and Antony is leaning on and lays his head and arms on the table 

Fred: The...what?

Shaggy: Like, Mr Hubley's thing worked and I wasn't scared. And then Y/n and I fought some guys and saved the lacrosse trophy and a big scary man challenged me to a motorcycle race and Y/n joined in. 

Antony eyes widen as he stares at Y/n

Antony: are you insane you remember what happened last time right?!

Y/n goes wide eyed as he turns to Antony with a finger to his lips 

The Gang: Last time?

Antony: Before he met you guys 

Y/n then face palms

The Gang: Before?       

Daphne: But you two said that you met during hex girls practice, right? 

Antony: We did 

Velma: But Y/n didn't meet the Hex girls untill after he joined the gang 

Antony then has a ohhhh moment as he looks to the face palming Y/n 

Fred: Y/n? 

Y/n: Let's see what's the best way to explain this....? 

Y/n thinks for a moment before shrugging 

Y/n: Ah right I was in the Mob

The Gang all gain a look of shock as the chapter ends  

The New Guy (Scooby-Doo Movies x Male reader) Season 2Where stories live. Discover now