Chapter 24: Poseidon's Paradise

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We open this chapter not long after the last with Y/n, Antony, Fred, Daphne, Velma, Marcie, Scooby, Shaggy, Skip and Peggy following Sunny as she starts the tour.

Sunny: We're just about to weigh anchor. Now that's ship talk. You landlubbers will be speaking like old sea dogs in no time.

Shaggy: Like, we've got our old sea dog right here.

Shaggy then pats Scoobys head making him chuckle

Sunny: Yeah, good, that's ni-- That's funny... but let's get this cruise launched and have some fun. What do you say?

Y/n: I say Yo hoe me hearty's let's go

Fred: Aye, aye.

Sunny: You two are naturals, huh?

Daphne and Velma give each other a look

Sunny: Okey-dokey, everyone listen up. As you can see, the Poseidon's Paradise-

A/n: I don't know why it's in bold Italics it's just how the subtitles show it

Sunny: -has every amenity for your seafaring pleasure.

We then see the group passing people playing shuffleboard

Sunny: We have shuffleboard tournaments at 9,-

They then pass people synchronise swimming

Sunny: -synchronised swimming at 10,-

We then see the group passing people playing racquetball

Sunny: -racquetball at 11, rhythmic gymnastics at 12, field hockey at 1, conga line dance at 2, senior disco at 3, karaoke at 4, and my favourite: Wiffleball at 5.

The tour ends with the group by a window and Sunny needing to take a breath due to how fast she went through all those before see's something and gasps

Sunny: What have we here?

Fred then slips on something green but is luckily saved in time by Antony

Peggy: Dear, Freddy, are you okay?

Fred: I would have been worse if it wasn't for Antony.

Antony: No problem

Velma, Marcie and Y/n look closer at the green goo Fred tripped over with Velma about to dip her figures in it before Y/n stops her taking out a pencil instead to scoop a small bit up and showing it to the gang

Daphne: Jeepers, what is that stuff?

Velma: Some kind of goo.

Sunny: And it's shaped like a footprint.

Y/n, Marcie and Velma take a closer look at the goo

Y/n, Marcie and Velma take a closer look at the goo

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Marcie: I guess you could say that.

Y/n gives Marcie a look

Sunny: It is so alien.

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