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"Grayson, my darling? Is that really you?" Grayson McHoff heard the soft voice of his mother Banshi calling to him across the shining lake near his hollow. Could it really be her? His mum had died trying to resolve a skirmish 10 years ago, or that's what he was told, at least. All he knew for certain about her death was that he saw it happen - and while she was lying, her strength all but gone, in a pool of her own blood. And yet, he heard her voice calling softly to him. But when he turned around to face her, she looked... different.

Grayson's mother had soft, golden feathers, a pure white, heart-shaped face, and black eyes that sparkled whenever she smiled. But the owl-shifter he saw before him... Was she even an owl-shifter? Whatever she was, she had bright orange feathers that made her look as if she were on fire. No, scratch that, she was on fire-literally, she was surrounded by flames. And yet, she remained unharmed, and nothing she touched set ablaze. "What and who are you?" Grayson asked, almost too terrified to speak.

"Look in my eyes, son. Do you not recognize me?" said the creature, sounding a little hurt. Grayson, not wanting to offend her further, did as he was told, and recognized the blue-green eyes of his mother. "I have simply changed form." she explained, "And you will change as well, though not as I have. For when one story ends, another always begins." And with that, she flew away into the night, leaving her puzzled son to contemplate her words.

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