1| Finally.. Weekend

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As soon as the bell rang, the majority of class ran out the door. Iida following them swiftly while yelling at them to stop running and saying something along the lines of 'This is disrespectful towards the teacher' and the possible "risks" they are putting themselves and others in due to their fast pace in the halls, all while still keeping up his iconic hand chopping movements. Aizawa on the other hand did not care about the class wanting to leave the room asap as he preferred the class empty anyways and is far too tired to feel anywhere near disrespected by his students leaving the class immediately.

Leaving Tokoyami, Shouji, Koda, Todoroki, Midoriya, Bakugou and Yaoyorozu behind in the nearly empty classroom. Bakugou leaving quickly, followed by Koda and Shouji talking about who knows what. After Tokoyami left, Todoroki was left with Midoriya and Yaoyorozu, both about to ask him the inevitable 'Do you have any plans for the weekend?', hoping to hang out with the bicoloured introvert. Luckily for Todoroki the alarm sound.. right when Midoriya had mustered up the courage to pop the question and finally opened his mouth..

Soon followed by a voice, that being non other than that of the white mouse-like principle, on the intercom. 'Dear students and teachers, due to the increasing terrible weather, UA will go in lockdown. Meaning that all students are to remain in their dorms until further notice. The pros and I will now discuss further precautions. Please notify those who are already in the dormitories of the current situation and remain calm'.

*Time skip to the dorms*
All students were waiting in the common area, though not so quietly, for their sleep-deprived teacher. As soon as Aizawa entered the room he was showered with questions. To make this ordeal no longer than necessary, the homeroom teacher stated that the class was to remain in the dorms until told otherwise and to entertain themselves in any way possible as long as they didn't make a mess Leaving immediately after that one sentence, probably to escape Midoriya's never ending explosion of questions, much to some a single student's surprise. Though most knew better than to expect him to stay any longer.

The room soon erupted in chaos. Some students were sad to have their plans cancelled, causing them to murmur amongst themselves, while others saw the opportunity to get to know their fellow classmates better. Sure they all knew each other, but not everyone really knew one another. Todoroki on the other hand felt conflicted. He knew this meant he did not have to go train with his father this weekend, but this also meant he would have to train harder in the future to catch up again. He could already hear his father's voice telling him how weak he was for being stopped by what he would call 'something insolent" like nature. 'Great another lost fight'.. against nature, something that "cannot fight back", according to the flame hero. Furthermore, now he was trapped with his classmates instead.. an upgrade? Perhaps.

After Aizawa's departure, some students were about to leave the common area for their rooms. Bakugou was even about to set his first step towards the comfort of his dorm, only to be stopped by the pink queen herself suggesting to play games and watch films to kill the time. If only she knew that was not the only thing the blonde wanted to kill.

She was, however, saved by her fellow classmates cheering for her brilliant idea and soon they all left to grab games, snacks, etc.

To be continued..

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