Chapter 1

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I finally arrived at the college. Took me three days of driving to get here. I'm coming in late since some things had happened. I looked at the paper they gave me and followed the numbers on the doors to my dorm

"Yes! Finally" I groaned

I knocked on the open door and saw two girls there already

"Hey I'm y/n. Nice to meet you guys" I gave a small wave and smile

One girl walked up to me with a smile and her hand outstretched
"Hi I'm hallie!" I shook her hand and turned to the other girl. She gave a small smile
"I'm Sidney" I nodded

The dean made me bunk with two people instead of one because I asked. I'm a people person but not a people pleaser

I looked towards the corner with a plain bed and empty walls. I began unpacking my things and it took me about two hours to put everything up. I was finishing up when hallie came in

"Hey y/n. Me, Sidney, and our little group are going to grab something to eat. Wanna come? We're leaving in 15 minutes" I'm glad she asked because I have to be out with people

I may hate most people but I still need human interaction to keep sane. I've been alone for 3 days plus I was hungry

"Hell yeah. Let me get ready first and I'll meet you outside" she smiled and waved bye

When I'm here I need to make some friends and have some fun for once. I'm so fucking ready to go to parties, get drunk, high, have sex, and whatever the hell I want while also keeping up good grades

I got up and looked at the clothes I packed

I put on this outfit, brushed my hair, and put on my shoes

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I put on this outfit, brushed my hair, and put on my shoes. I have no makeup on and I put perfume on. I looked in the mirror and I looked damn good

After about 5 minutes I walked outside to meet hallie

"Y/n over here!" I heard Sidney shout. I turned and saw the girls with three other guys. I walked over and gave a small smile
"Randy Meeks" a guy said outstretching his hand. I shook it
"Derek Feldman" I nodded to him and turned to the last guy

"And you?" I asked. He gave me a grin and I swear I wanted to smack it off his face
"You tell me your name and I'll tell you mine" I rolled my eyes
"Y/n Rhonde" I replied in a flat tone

Everyone was looking between the two of us. He gave a smile
"Mickey altieri" I gave a sarcastic smile and sat down by Hallie

Sidney, Randy, and Derek were in a conversation with Randy looking a bit annoyed

"Hey so what major are you studying?" Hallie asked
"Oh well I'm studying film" I said leaning my arms on the table
"What about you?" I asked
"Psychology" I tried to hold in my laugh but it slipped out. She furrowed her eyebrows together and looked confused

"I'm not judging your major but are you one of those people who try to diagnose everyone with something?" I asked laughing a little
"What? No" she tried to be convincing but it wasn't giving

"Hallie, I know we just met and I know we barely know each other but you're kind of a bad liar" I said smiling a little
"I can lie when it really counts. And I don't diagnose everyone with something, just the ones who need some truth in their lives" we both laughed

Once we were done laughing I laid my chin on my palm that was resting on the table. I looked around the group and now Mickey and randy were in a conversation and sidney and Derek were talking

"Ok so give me the rundown on your nice group here. Definitely has different personalities" everyone in the group was different wether in a big or small way from each other

"Ok so me and Sidney are best friends. Randy and Mickey both have film class together-" I stopped her right there
"Them two are going to be in my class?" I deadpanned. She nodded with a smile. I groaned and she laughed

"Sidney and Derek are together, randy likes Sidney" she whispered this part, "like he's in love with her since high school" I looked at randy and he was looking at Sidney
"Derek is apart of a frat house, Mickey brings his camera with him almost everywhere, I'm trying to get into a sororitie" I nodded my head

"Damn, you guys have a pretty good group. Complicated but it works" she nodded her head
"Oh and a little heads up. Mickey and Randy will annoy you every chance they get especially if you have a short temper" I rolled my eyes and laid my head on my arm but turning my head to where I can still see hallie

"Thank god I have a guide to this place. I literally don't know anyone here so it's nice to not worry about that" I gave her a smile and she smiled in return
"No problem. We're roomies now so we're going to be good friends" I laughed a little

"One of the things I'm most excited about here are the parties. I heard they can be really fun and wild" once I said that her eyes lit up
"Oh my god. Dereks frat house is having a party tonight!" I sat back up

"Ok what time does it start?" I asked. She looked at her watch
"In an hour" she said in a panic while grabbing Sidney and me, rushing to the dorms

I looked back at the guys with a questioning look and they all just laughed and shrugged. I turned around and once we got to our dorm she started looking in their closet

"What's wrong?" She had my worried a serial killer was on the loose (😏)
"We only have an hour to get ready and I need to look good, Sidney needs to look good, and you need to look good while also setting a first impression with everyone" she was talking really fast that I almost didn't hear her

"Alright, alright. I'll see what I have but it's mostly pants and shirts. Nothing special" I was starting to be nervous. She's right, this is my first impressions it's a lot of guys

"No worries, I've got the perfect thing for you" she moved a lot of things in her closet and finally brought something out

"No worries, I've got the perfect thing for you" she moved a lot of things in her closet and finally brought something out

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"It's nice and you'll look so good!" I grabbed the dress, thanked her, and went to change

ya know if others can't do something for you, do it yourself and so I did. I need more Mickey altieri content

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