Start from the beginning

I feel Emma wrap her arms tightly around me and I hear her cry into my shoulder, I cry too as hearing her cry breaks my heart. We sadly pull away and Emma sees me crying and gently wipes my tears away, she gets on her tip toes and pulls me in for a kiss.

I feel her showing and telling me how much she loves me through our kiss and I do the same as I need her to know I love her and how much she means to me, we pull away and rest our foreheads together "I love you Kirin, please. Be careful."

I nod at Emma's words "I love you more, I will. Trust me." I tell her as I'll be as careful as I can to make sure I stay safe so I can see her again.

I shrug off the flannel I came in but have shared it with Emma so many times it's become ours, Emma stops me as it gets half way down my arms. "What no, it'll get cold out there you'll need it."

I laugh at Emma, it's so cute how much she cares and protects me. "I want you to have it, so you can give it back to me when we are rescued." I tell her with a smile because I know we will be rescued and when we are we will have all the time in the world to spend together.

I look behind me and see Raf and Seth by the raft waiting, I turn to Emma "I have to go now, or I won't leave." I tell her honestly she nods at me "Ok." And I'm thankful for that as if I see her cry one more time I won't leave.

I make it over the raft and turn around and all of them and wave, they wave back and I watch as Emma blows a kiss to me. I catch it and put it to my heart.

Seth, Raf, and I. Start to push the raft out into the water and jump in when we are out deep enough, I flick the switch to cut the engine on and we start to move quickly out further.

I turn around and my eyes immediately find Emma, I watch her until she is just a silhouette and keep watching until she is out of sight. I sniffle and wipe my nose on my wrist and quickly wipe my eyes.

I turn around and see Raf smiling sadly at me "Hey man, she'll be ok. We'll get rescue soon and you'll be with her again." I nod my head at him "Thanks." I mutter and Raf nods his head.

"Raf's right, we'll get rescue and they'll get them off the island." Seth nods at his words but I don't respond, it's quiet for a while until Seth speaks up. "Kirin, we got a pretty strong tailwind here. Might want to cut the motor and just ride it."

I ignore him once again "I'm serious, dude. We got to be smart about gas." Seth tells me and I immediately think of Emma and how this was one of the things she was afraid of.

"Zip it, fuck." I snap getting annoyed at him I know he is right and that just makes me more annoyed, "Nobody wants to hear about your three cents." I say dully and I wonder if I used the saying wrong.

And how if I did Emma and Josh would laugh and correct me but insist they liked my version better, this just made me more sad and angry as I'm not with the two people I grew close with.

"I got to be able to talk out here, man. I-I'm not your fucking prisoner." Seth demands "Kirin, he's not wrong." Raf speaks up "About the gas. But I think you know that." Raf clarifies.

"Don't backslide on me. The bromance is over. You don't have to be his little bitch anymore." I scoff "I-I'm not. That's... He's just right." Raf stutters, I turn around and flick the engine off.

"We're gonna run into something, right? Like, a ship or whatever?" I ask "This wasn't, like... This wasn't, like, fucking stupid, was it?" I ask no one in particular. I start to feel disappointed that I'm losing hope, now.

I think about how what if this was for nothing? What if I won't ever see Emma again? At that thought I start to feel nauseous and throw my head over the side of the raft and get sick.

Once I'm done I wipe my mouth and cough "Shit. Kirin, dude, you need a drink. You're either sun-stroked or seasick or both. Here." Seth says and hands me a water and I surprise myself when I don't push it away and take it.

I take a sip and start to feel better "Hey, you know, we're gonna be all right. Any moment now we're gonna hit a cargo lane. Probably get picked up by some Chinese container ship. End up eating dim sum and getting free iPhones." Seth tells Raf and I.

"Show me the way to go home ♪ ♪ I'm tired, and I want to go to bed ♪ ♪ And I had a little drink about an hour ago ♪ ♪ And it went straight to my head ♪" Seth starts to sing causing me to eye him in a funny way.

"You know the reference?" He asks Raf nods "It's... it's Jaws. Yep, ah...It's kind of a classic."

"Will you fucking stop?" I snap "Kirin, I'm just trying to lighten the mood..." Seth defends himself "You're back on your bullshit is what you're doing. Trying to get an in with your dumb jokes and your fucking shit. Well, I'm not fucking having it." I yell the last part.

"Not now! Cause we are fucked out here!" I scream starting to lose my shit, "Okay, Kirin. Kirin. Just calm down, okay? We'll... we'll turn on the motor for a sec. We'll cool off, get some momentum, okay?" Seth asks calming me down.

"Okay." I mutter and clear my throat, I flick the engines switch and hear trying to turn over "Come on, let's go." The engine slowly starts to click and stops turning. I grunt and hit the engine "You asshole! You fucked us! God damnit." I shout.

"Kirin, it's ok." Seth tries I grunt and stand up and make my way to him "It's not ok." I feel Seth try to push me away from him "Don't fucking touch me!"

Seth and I start throwing punches at one another, I get on top of Seth and hit him in the face several times. "Stop!" Raf yells.

Somehow Seth gets the upper hand and I end up in the water, "Kirin! Kirin!" I hear Raf yell worried I cough the water out of my lungs and start to make my way back to the raft.

I continue to cough as I try and swim to the raft and see Seth grabbing things and I realize he is planning to leave me "Hey!" I shout from the water and swim faster.

"What the fuck are you doing? Wait!" I shout again and swim getting closer to the raft. I see Raf pick up an oar as Seth instructs him to hit me with it if I try to get on.

I reach the raft and start to pull myself up, Seth yells at Raf to hit me but he stays frozen. I climb up into the Raft and see that Raf is beating Seth with an oar. Raf throws the oar and starts to throw punches to Seth's face blood splattering to the rafts floors.

I look up and see a light in the distance, I turn back to Raf "Raf! Stop it! Raf, stop!" I yell but it comes out scratchy I look back up and see that the boat is closer.

"Raf, stop! There's a boat. There's a boat." I wheeze out getting Raf's attention.



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