How The Tables Have Turned

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"my Dear Useless child.. Did you make our family proud this time?." princess Iron Fan asked to the Flaming Red head 

"Um Mother.." He replied 

"Can you please not call me that..?"

"why Not? I think it fits you very well.. but don't avoid my question." 

Red Son looked ashamed and looked down, Princess Iron Fan shook her head and kissed Red Son on the fore head "Listen my child.. I know we can be harsh on you some times.. But we love you very very much"

Red Son's face lit up and he smiled a little to his mother, Princess Iron fan rolled her eyes..

That Night The little Red head was writing in he's so called "Journal" although it did have some personal things about him in there, while he was writing he suddenly had a familiar face popped up in his head he had a red bandana and beautiful black hair.. he felt like he was heating up, he threw away he's book and stared blankly realizing what and who he just thought about 

Red Son's thoughts



"there's no way..."



The Red head thought he was just tired and needed some sleep so he thought wrong

the next few days he kept having this feeling and had to reason to he's parents that he was sick his parents weren't that hard, they didn't want their only child to Die or whatever, Red Son was so irritated by the feeling he didn't want to tell his parents about it he didn't want them to worry about him 

4 months later

Red Son got up all his courage and went up to his parents to ask them an odd question

"Mother I have a question.."

"what is it my darling?"

"um.. Am I allowed to have a.."

"to have a what?.." princess iron fan was starting to get intrigued by the question

"A lover..?" Red Son mumbled

"oh~ is my child thinking of someone?.." princess iron fan started to get slightly excited because the thought of more people in the great Demon Bull King family..

"if so you are old enough to date some one I don't care if its a girl or boy I just want more people in the family.."

Red Son's face turned red while he's mother patted his head,


Mk was eating Lunch with he's friends until there was a loud banging on the door 

"I'll get it!" Mei said happily

"No I'll do it!" Mk said desperately

"No its fine~ its probably a fan of yours" Mei said with Delight 

when Mei opened the door she was surprised to see a cute little picnic basket filled with goodies and a letter.

"oh Mk~ you have a secret admirer" Mei said teasingly

"Oh I mean Mk has a lot of fans so no surprise there" Mr. Tang said

 "no its a love letter!" Mei said proving Mr. Tang wrong

"A WHAT NOW?-" Mk shouted, 

*Mei Gasped*

"OH. MY. G." 

"what??" Mk Questioned

Letter for Mk

Dear Noodle Boy I expect to meet you by the lake at 8:00PM there is something I must discuss with you.. And don't even try to bring one of your puny little friends along

Red Son 

"wait, wait, wait, hold up, your not considering this are you Mk?" Pigsy said in a suspicious tone

"I mean.. It could be something important?" Mk replied

"Pigsy has a point Mk.." Mr. tang said with a concerned voice

"Guys! relax~ Mk is gonna bring his staff and kick his butt if he tries to harm him!" Mei said proudly

"she's has a point" 

everyone jumped a little from Monkey kings sudden appearance

"I say, Mk follows what the letter says and use this chance to get closer to him and kidnap him to male as hostage" Monkey king said proudly

"I don't think that's a good Idea-" the brunette with a red bandana 

"great you'll do it!" Said the bright haired monkey...

Hi fellow humans its me your writer:)) I know what your thinking- "OH ADDI WHATS GONNA HAPPEN NEXT??" "IS MK REALLY GONNA KIDNAP RED SON??" well that is gonna be a mystery have a great day everyone please eat healthy and drink a lot of water lots of love to all of you!!

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