Sol (WIP-ish)

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General Information

-Name: Solaris
-Nickname(s): Sol
-Age: 20
-Pronouns: He/They
-Species: Human
-Personality: Used to having to put up with others and waiting on them as well, Sol is somewhat patient, but also not. Depending on how their day is going, they will or will not act differently. Overall, Sol is an easygoing person who wants to get as much as they can out of life. He isn't afraid of trying new things— especially ones that involve risk and danger. Who knows what make them that way. Maybe it was because his parents were absent a portion of his childhood, busy with work and other matters, leaving him to be influenced by the people he lived around. They are generally nice, but can snap when something irritates them. Other than being instinctively defensive, Sol mostly keeps to themself.
-Abilities: Limited hand-to-hand combat, limited firearm knowledge (WIP— more will be added)
-Appearance: Sol has visibly darkish-toned skin (WIP, will be updated). Frayed, black hair is tousled and short, yet falls below his chin. They normally wear a black beanie and adorn various piercings across their ears. Additionally, they tend to wear dark and baggy clothing with a hint of color. He stands at around 5'9 or 175cm.
-Backstory: Sol grew up as an only child with a mother and a father. While their home life was calm and relatively normal, the absence of their parents in a majority of his childhood took it's toll on how they turned out. A majority of their personality, habits, and interests were formed through interacting with their neighbors and people they met through school and on the streets. Ultimately, Sol became somewhat well-known in his community for acting risky. What no one could tell was what happened to him after he came home from an area that experienced a landslide...

An unfamiliar story spread through a family bloodline, trailing back over a hundred years: Stories of a box that a great great relative had discovered within a cave-in. What enticed Sol was that the keepsake was supposedly cursed, trapping a vengeful and malignant spirit inside. They didn't necessarily believe in the supernatural, but they were suspicious after a small online thread and news stations reported that the family in possession of the item were unexpectedly killed in a landslide. After doing some research, Sol traced the location of the family's destroyed residence to a rural town— it was within a few hours of driving! He had to know if something truly was paranormal after becoming so invested in the folktales....

A selfish spirit that desired what they could never obtain... was that story even true? Sol figured that no, no it wouldn't be... but the coincidence of a sudden family death was strange— especially after an interview with the members had been aired! Maybe they had been selfish? And the box had killed them..?

Sol found themself exploring the rubble— the remains of what used to be a family home. Seeing the condition of the place made him tense. Still, he shoved broken portions of wall and destroyed furniture aside. Just when he was about to give up, a strangely dark box caught his eye— that had to be it! They cradled the keepsake in their hands, tracing their fingers along the sides. A shiver ran down their spine, an unpleasant sensation making his hairs stand up: Whatever this box was, it wasn't normal. Bringing their face closer to the antique, Sol yelped in surprise— he swore, a whispering voice was calling to him! This caused them to lose their hold on the box. Already withstanding damage from the landslide, the curse's hold on the box was snapped after the material finally cracked from so much force. A flash of light slipped through the crevices of the keepsake, and a burst of energy flung the top of the box open. Appalled, Sol could only observe in horror as the light dimmed, leaving the wrecked area in the dark again. Had... had nothing truly happened? Before he could jump to the conclusion he was hallucinating, an amorphous, black blob slithered out from the opened relic. The mass quickly formed what appeared to be horns at the top of it's head. Snapping in the horrified human's direction, two pearly-white orbs pierced his gaze, as if locking him in a trance. All Sol could think in the moment was that he had released something... and that thing was now his problem to put up with.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2022 ⏰

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