Chapter 21

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"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; 

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. 

At the going down of the sun and in the morning 

We will remember them." Ode of Remembrance

Chapter Twenty — One

Imogen was fairly optimistic during the first week that Simon was gone. Clearly, something had happened that required his immediate attention and he had not the time to tell anyone where he was going.

She was kept entertained on the second day by listening to Alexandra's re-telling of their father's reaction to Joaquín's asking him for Alexandra's hand in marriage. Apparently Emmett had remained silent for several minutes before sighing, shaking his head, telling Alexandra that he would miss her, and warning Joaquín that king or not, he was still answerable to his wife's father.

After a week, Imogen was finally allowed out of bed, and she continued to move about the house to improve her strength. Of course, her mother would not allow her outside without an escort or anywhere near a horse ever again, though she was confidently informed that Moon had found her way back to the stable after bolting from the field after seeing the snake.

The good doctor had removed the stitches from her head, and while the area was still tender, there would not be much of a scar.

After two weeks, a letter still had not arrived. Not even James had heard from Simon, and that worried Imogen. A fortnight with no correspondence was a long time for someone who had simply ridden off without a word.

Luckily, Imogen had the distraction of Alexandra's misery to take her mind off of the disappearance of Simon. Yet again, Joaquín's leaving her had left her in a state of despair.

But this time, their fate was not ambiguous. Joaquín had been away from his country for as long as he possibly could, and it was time for him to return home to his people. He also had the arduous task of convincing his council that marrying a woman who was not a princess, and Englishwoman at that, was beneficial to Spain. Alexandra had been enthusiastic about accompanying him to Spain but Joaquín did not want her to be there just yet. He had been honest. Unkind words would be said about her, he would be pushed and persuaded to call off the engagement, and he would hear Alexandra's name associated with a cold, indifferent snake who desired a crown. Joaquín had vehemently promised Alexandra that he would not listen to them, and that he would convince them that she was the right choice for Spain.

Alexandra had since settled into a state of worry over her fiancé, just as Imogen worried for Simon.

Alexandra could not stay the fear in her mind that told her that Joaquín's council would have another princess waiting for him upon his return. What if the Greek royal family had sent along Princess Athena's younger sister? What if she was beautiful? What if Joaquín was enchanted? What if he forgot all about her?

Imogen was not in the right frame of mind to console her sister, to tell her how silly she was being. Joaquín had returned home to petition his council, not to find another bride.

Imogen's optimism had all but evaporated after a month. A month was more than enough time to send word home. She had started to hear that something had happened to him a fortnight ago. Now she was convinced that something terrible had happened.

To distract herself from her own fears, Imogen walked. She walked the many corridors of Ascot House, walking from room to room. She climbed the stairs, slowly, but it was something that she had never been able to do previously.

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