The Limits of Certain Things

Start from the beginning

Her back looked tense for a wounded person.

And Jung Shin knew, oh he knew it so well, how she was feeling that night. Maybe that was why he came to her, offering support though he wasn't obliged to.

"It will pass. You'll survive this."

She bit her lip until she tasted blood, but finally she couldn't hold her burden anymore and sobbed.

"Dying in shame would feel better.........better than seeing Princess Kim being dishonored by that bastard."

" were alone. You did everything you could."

Flashes of Go Eun fighting Hae Soo in bed, kicking and slapping, screaming and was afraid, attacked her again for the hundredth time.

Her heart broke again and she clapped her mouth with her hand, crying her heart out, trying not to be loud.

"I have.....failed my vows. I couldn't protect my princess. I should be executed or commit suicide tonight."

He cleaned the wound on her right arm, buying time. He thought so too. He feared he wouldn't hear an answer when he knocked the door earlier.

"If you die, who will protect her?"

"Someone worthy. Worthier than me."

"She will grieve. Do you want her to grieve for you?"


"Then work harder."

"............I will. I hope she forgives me."

"She doesn't blame you."

"When will this end? Will she always live in danger like this? Why is Park Hae Soo still alive?"

"Because it's not that easy to kill him. But the prince is seriously working on it. He will find his end, this Park Hae Soo."

"I wish I could bury this memory. But I don't think I ever will. I will forever be haunted by the memory of that man on my princess's body!"

"He wants to hurt the prince. That's why the princess experienced it."

"I wish they have never married!" she spat bitterly, uncaring with the fact that he was there.

"Sung Kyung-ssi, watch your mouth" he warned. "They began because the prince forced her into a marriage. But it's mutual consent now. You can't keep a blind eye on that."

"I know," she said, wiping tears, "But if she's not his wife, she wouldn't endure the humiliation!"

"Not complete humiliation, right?"

"..........No. But it doesn't mean it's endurable!"

"It is the worst. I understand. We live for them. We would gladly die for them. We want nothing except their well-being. It's our destiny. So......I don't see another way except forgiving yourself Sung Kyung-ssi. Forgive yourself and take better care of her. She needs you in this difficult time."

"The lady I see growing up. The lady who never did anything wrong in her life. Why did she have to experience that, why???" she asked, not stopping the stream of fresh tears.

"I can't breathe every time I think about it" she confessed.

"You'll survive. And you'll become better. Because after seeing your lady got hurt, you'll want nothing more than protecting her. Self-pity is useless. Shake yourself and quickly recover. Be the usual you again in the morning."

All she wanted at that moment was to curl up and cry. It hurt so much she felt drained.

"Do you want to get weaker and let her got hurt worse than today?"

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