Chapter 2

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"What are you doing?"

Doi looks up from her textbook into a pair of large curious eyes. She smiles and ruffles his hair.

"I'm doing homework, same as every night."

Her brother's nose scrunches, and he pokes the book. "Why do you do so much homework? Play with me!", he demands.

"You're adorable", Doi says with a chuckle, "but I can't. Maybe after dinner".

Her brother pouts, slouching across the room to flop on her bed with a hero comic. Doi shakes her head fondly at his antics and turns to finish her math.


"Is momma coming home tonight?"

Their father looks up from where he's washing the dinner dishes at his son.

"No." He sighs. "Sorry Riku, I know you wanted to watch the movie with her tonight."

Doi frowns at her brother's slumped shoulders and tearful eyes.

"Hey!" She plants her hands on her hips as he looks up at her. "Why are you crying?! Our mother gets sad when we cry. Do you want to make her sad?!"

Riku shakes his head rapidly, rubbing the tears from his eyes.

"Mom always says she loves your smile. It makes her happy!", She continues, "she says a smile is the best medicine. Right?!"

He gives her a shaky smile and a nod. "Y-yeah, you're right!"

Doi steps forward and ruffles her brother's fluffy mess of white hair. He giggles when she gives his ear a soft tug, rubbing it into his shoulder.

"Come on, I'll watch the movie with you". Doi follows her brother into the sitting room where they have a tv and cd player. She lounges on the couch and watches him run around getting everything ready with a smile. He likes to be in charge on movie night. It makes him feel helpful.

She sits with him through a Crimson Riot movie she'd seen probably a million times without complaint.

Sure, she mostly watched her brother's expressions and marveled at how excited he still was after seeing it so many times. He'd watched it way more than she had.

Riku falls asleep almost the moment the movie ends.

Doi chuckles, scooping him into a princess carry. She carries him into his room, stepping over action figures, comics, and drawings to his little four-post bed.

Balancing her brother with practiced care, Doi uses her toes to pull back the Gang Orca blankets and settle her brother down. She kisses his forehead, tucking the blanket snugly around him the way he likes.

Like a whole-body hug!

She closes the door behind her before crossing the hall to her own room. Her eyes fall immediately to the pile of homework and assignments on her desk.

"Ugh, why?!" She slumps into her rolling chair and grabs science. Opening to her assigned lesson, Doi pushes in her earbuds and presses play on her phone. Punk rock blasting at full volume in her ears, she grabs a thirty-pound dumbbell and begins reading.


It's early morning in Musutafu and there's familiar chaos in the Mamoru household.

"Where's my left shoe?!" Riku bursts out of his room, his hair sticking up in the back where he can't see it. "I can't find my shoe!"

"I 'aw i' by da cout!", Doi calls to him around a piece of toast.

"What?! I can't hear you!" Riku yells back from the bathroom.

Doi rolls her eyes with a huff, pulling the toast out of her mouth. "By the couch!"

Their father grins as Riku runs past him to grab his sneaker. "Hurry up boy, you'll miss the bus!", he scolds playfully.

"I know I know I'm going!" Riku nearly trips on his way out the door, balancing on one foot as he struggles to pull on the shoe.

Finished with her own shoes, Doi grabs her bag and another piece of toast for Riku. "Hold on dude! You forgot breakfast!"

Riku jumps in place as his sister catches up, taking the offered toast. "No jam?!", he whines up at her.

Doi flicks his forehead and walks past him. "Should have woken up sooner!"

She snickers at his protests and quickens her pace into a brisk jog, then a run.

Rows of houses and apartment buildings flash by into a blur as her powerful legs propel her forward. Her arms pump at her sides and her laughter whips away behind her, startling early pedestrians and birds.

She loved running.


AN: Another short, stress relieving chapter! Ahh, feels nice.

The Mamoru household sure is loud and energetic! What do you guys think of Doi's family so far?

Any ideas for the mom yet?

Today's been such an emotional ride. Relationship drama I apparently caused without knowing it. Again. They broke up too (TT~~TT)

I was thinking Doi might be friends with a certain someone/s in the next chapter. Hehe [gremlin noises].

See you in the next chapter!

Shark Bite [BNHA x Female OC] by FluffBunWifuuWhere stories live. Discover now