Cause for Concern

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"Y/N?" Reko called for you from her room. You were in the living room downstairs.

"What is it?" You yelled back.

"Come here!"

"Fuck no!" You yelled, standing up from the couch and making your way to her room. When you opened her door, you repeated your question.

"Okay, so Nao is gonna come over, okay? Can you, like... get us a drink from the store?" She was laying upside-down on her bed.

"Why should I do it?"

"So you can go check on the cashier."

You stared at her for a moment, narrowing your eyes. "Okay. You're paying. That'll be five dollars." You held your hand out.

She rolled backward out of bed, hitting her head on the ground and swearing. She pulled a five out of her pocket and gave it to you. "Be careful if that Hiyori guy is there, again."

"Of course. Anyway, what drinks did you guys want?"

When you walked into 7-Eleven, someone else welcomed you in rather than being greeted by Shin. You looked up at them to see a young man with long brown hair.

That is not Shin Tsukimi.

You went to the back of the store and grabbed Reko and Nao's drinks, carrying them to the counter. The cashier scanned the cans silently. "$4.50." You gave him the five, and he handed you your receipt.

He didn't give you your change though, because it was in the coin dispenser. You left without your coins, and also a very big confusion in your head as to why Shin wasn't there.

"He wasn't even there!" You yelled when you entered Reko's room.

"What do you mean?" She stood up, pocketing her phone and taking the drinks from you.

"He was gone."

"Maybe he's sick. You have his number, text him."

"You're so smart, Reko." You poked her forehead and left, scurrying off to your room.

You closed your door and flopped onto your bed.


Is everything alright over there

I just went to go see you but you weren't working

Moon Shin(e)

can I call you to explain

typing takes too long


Sure idc

As soon as you sent that, you got an incoming call from him. You answered it hesitantly, "Hello? Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm perfectly fine." Shin's voice came through slightly garbled due to phones being weird and shit.

"Are you sick or something?"

"I mean, that's what I told my boss. How funny, I've been working there for only two weeks, and I'm already taking time off. I told him I had food poisoning, so he's letting me take off today, tomorrow, and Sunday."

"But you're not sick?"

"I'm sick of the possibility of running into Hiyori again." He said sternly. "Hearing and seeing him two days in a row after thinking he was finally gone has really fucked me over."

You were quiet for a moment, "Were you glad he was gone?"

"...I'm not sure I'd say I was happy about it. Like, he was my friend. It was more like... I was relieved. You know that ugly scarf he wears?"

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