Robby watched her leave. "You'll see her in a few minutes." His father commented, not quite believing how much of a romantic his son was.
"I still don't think she's alright."
"Neither are you." Johnny rebuffed just before they heard a crash from the bathroom. Robby immediately dropped his ice pack and shook Johnny off of him. "Tor?" He called but received no answer. The father and son duo made their way to the bathroom, only to find it locked. Robby busted it open with his good shoulder and squeezed through the narrow opening caused by Tory's unconscious body blocking the door from opening fully. "Oh god. Shit. Tory!" He exclaimed pulling her into his arms. Thus, allowing Johnny to enter the bathroom. "Shall I call an ambulance?"
"She'll never go to hospital. Too many bad memories, plus the money."
"I know a free emergency clinic joined onto LA Grace Hospital." Johnny said. Robby blinked and made the decision "Ok, let's go." He went to pick Tory up but his injured shoulder wouldn't allow it.
"Here, Robby, I got her. Go put a shirt on and start the car. Bring it round to the door." Johnny told him.

During the drive to the outskirts of the city Robby sat in the back and held Tory safe in his arms: her unconscious form wouldn't cooperate with the seat belt.

Upon arrival Robby wasted no time in making a lot of noise and getting the doctor's attention. "Hey! You have to help my girlfriend. She was attacked yesterday. This morning she said she wasn't in as much pain but she looked pale and then she collapsed."
They put Tory on a gurney and attached an oxygen mask to her face, just in case she had any trouble breathing until they could determine what the problem was. "Where was she injured?" A blonde female doctor asked with the name Dr. Isabelle Stevens stitched onto her lab coat - she seemed to be in charge. "Uh, her stomach mainly. Maybe her ribs as well. I'm not sure I didn't see it happen." Robby cried wishing he could give them more details. "It's ok, kid. We'll help her. Just have a seat, we'll come tell you when we have news." The kind doctor said seeing him get upset.

Whilst they were waiting Johnny noticed Robby rolling his shoulder. "Hey, you should get that checked out whilst we're here."
"No, it's fine." Robby replied emotionlessly but Johnny ignored him. "Hey!" He called to the nurse at the reception desk.
"Dad!" He protested.
"My son and some of his friends were roughhousing yesterday (you know what boys are like) and he aggravated an old sports injury. Is there any chance someone can take a look at it?"
"I hate you."
"Yeah, well I'm still legally obligated for you for another year so."
"Technically it's like 6 months."
"Still my decisions."

As they were finishing taping up Robby's shoulder with special sports injury tape the blonde doctor in charge of Tory's case came back. "Hi, it's Robby, isn't it?" She asked having read his name on the patients admission record.
"Yeah. Is Tory...?"
"She's going to be okay. She's awake now - a little groggy. I was about to explain what caused her fainting spell but I thought she might want someone there."

The doctor let the couple have a moment together feigning that she needed to grab something from another room.

"Hey you." Robby greeted softly as he entered the room and sat in the chair next to her bedside.
"Whose brilliant idea was it to bring me here?" Tory complained as she lolled her head to the side to look at Robby.
"I knew you'd be mad."
"Well that answers that."
'Dad suggested it but I made the decision." Robby detailed.
"A team effort. Lovely." Tory commented lifting her head off the pillow.
"It's not a proper hospital, its a free emergency clinic." He explained.
"The one just outside LA, joined onto that big fancy hospital?" Tory asked and Robby nodded in confirmation. "I looked into them for my mom but her needs were too grave. Get me out of here." She begged.
"In a minute, the doctor's going to tell us why you fainted." Robby explained having no idea what they were actually about to be told.
"I know why, because Shawn kicked me like a football." Tory answered annoyed at how much he had apparently hurt her.

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