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Penelope Featherington looked aimlessly out the window of her family's sitting parlor.  She wasn't looking out for anything in particular, except perhaps, a distraction from her crumbling life.

It was the start of yet another social season, Penelope's third, and her oldest sister Prudence's fifth.  Their middle sister, Philippa, had wed last year to Mr. Albion Finch, and recent news had told that she was expecting their first child.

As for Penelope and Prudence, they were still in need of husbands, especially since they were on thin ice concerning finances.  Poor Prudence, in her fifth season, was now considered "on the shelf" and in high danger of ending up a spinster, especially after her engagement with Jack Featherington had fallen through the year before.  This season couod very well be do or die alone for her.

As for Penelope...well, she had given up any hope for a storybook romance after the last ball of the previous season, during which, after years of hopelessly pining for Colin Bridgerton, she overheard him tell his friends that he would never dream of courting her in his wildest fantasies.

Since then, Penelope had focused all her energy into her writing, practicing her literary skills, sharpening her quill and her tongue in anticipation for the next season. It was not like she had anything better to do, since she had fallen out with her best friend Eloise upon the latter figuring out her secret identity and declared wanting nothing more to do with her.

For the first time in forever, Penelope was completely on her own. No father, no Eloise, no Colin. Even Philippa, the one living family member that Penelope at least found tolerable, had moved on with her own life. Just her overbearing mother, her haughty oldest sister, and her dark, dark thoughts.

"Pemelope!", came Lady Featherington's shrill cry. "Come down this instant! Do not dawdle! The Earl will be here any moment!"

Penelope sighed and gave herself one final look over at her reflection in the glass of the window. By some miraculous luck, Portia Featherington had gotten in contact with the Earl of Portors, an old friend of her late husband's from school, and comvinced him to spend the social season with the family. Clearly, Lady Featherington was hoping the Earl would come to fancy Prudence and make her his Countess. This may, after all, be Prudence's very last chance.

As fir Penelope, she had no interest in taking a husband anytime soon.  She still needed time for her broken heart to heal.  Of course, given that she was the wallflower of the season two years running, she was fairly certain she would be given plenty of time to heal.

Penelope hurried down the stairs in her new dress.  Portia was waiting at the bottom of the stairs, touching up Prudence's hair, when she spotted her youngest standing on the steps.  A scowl darkened her face when she saw the gown she had donned.  "Penelope, what is that?"

"A dress, Mama."

"A green dress.", Lady Featherington elaborated.

It was true.  The dress was a mossy green with some fake pink and blue flowers, reminding one of the peaceful bayou lake.

"I thought I set out the yellow dress for you.", said Portia.

"Mama, I don't want to wear the yellow dress.", said Penelope.

"Why not?  Yellow is a happy color!"

"It also makes me look like an overripe lemon.", quipped Penelope.  "It makes my red hair look garish and too bright.  I hate it."

Portia's eyes siftened.  "You've never complained before."

"Because I did not wish to make a fuss.", said Penelope.  It was true.  She had always complied with her mother in the past, but now that sje knew she was doomed to become a spinster, she knew she had to start brushing up on her independence skills making her own life choices.  And that started with her mother.  "Besides, it doesn't even matter what I wear in front of the Earl.  You're bringing him here for Prudence, not for me."

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