•Part one

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I forgot to add this - Jamie-Leigh and Theodore are in Harry Potter's year, fifth year. Christopher is in sixth year. Dominic, Anthony and Emily are in Fred and George's year, seventh year.

You walked into his room, he was already crying. You couldn't see him, but you could hear him crying so badly underneath his duvet.

Your brother, Theodore Anderson, would normally get really upset over some things, this was definitely different to other times though. He seemed way more upset than usual, it was strange.

"Theo." You sat in the chair next to his bed after moving it closer.

You reached your hands under the cover, found his hands and gave them a squeeze to say that it's okay. You slowly started to remove his duvet from covering him, then it was on the floor and you could see your younger brothers red and teary face.

It broke you. You hated it so much.

Such a handsome face with too many tears needed or wanted.

"Oh Theo.. what's wrong?" You asked at the sight of your brother, he ignored your question and practically jumped in your arms.

He was crying way more into your chest now, almost punching your chest because of the pain he was going through. You let him do whatever he wanted to, as long as he was okay.

"It's Chris." He whispered through his crying.

"What about Christopher, what did he do, Theo?" You asked.

Theodore had been out as gay for two years now, ever since he met a boy named Christopher Steele, he kind of knew he was gay and only came out as gay two years ago because of the fear that his own siblings and family wouldn't accept him. It was the completed opposite though.

He must of forgotten who has father was.

"He-he cheated on me. I walked in on him fucking some girl." The words made him cry even harder.

You couldn't say anything. You're whole family adored Christopher, and now he goes and cheats on your brother. You would deal with Chris later, but you had to comfort your brother before confronting his stupid boyfriend.


"Kids come downstairs!! We have guests!" Your father called from downstairs in the kitchen, which woke you and Theodore up.

"Emily." Theo said before you properly woke up from the small nap you and him had. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry that you're the one who found me like this, I didn't mean for it to happen."

"Oh Theo.. don't ever apologise for that. Your my baby brother and I'll always do anything for you and you help you, you know that." You reassured him. "It's okay, I promise."

"I'm still sorry." He said and wiped away some drying tears on his face. "Can you check who's here for me please?"

"Of course." You ruffled his hair up and then went downstairs to find out who the guests are and why they are at your house.

You couldn't see anyone, then your sister came walking in front of the stairs and spotted you.

"How is he.. I heard him last night?" Jamie-Leigh asked you hesitatingly.

"He's not doing well. Is Christopher here by any chance?" You asked Jamie.

"Yeah, all the Steele brothers are. Why?" She replied.

"Thanks, it doesn't matter. Can you go tell Theo that Chris is here with Dom and Ant please?" You asked your younger sister.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a minute." She said and rushed upstairs, you walked into the kitchen because of the laughs you heard.

Dominic, Anthony and Christopher Steele were all standing in the kitchen without their parents. The only legal adults there was your father, Sirius Black, your uncle, Remus Lupin and Mr and Mrs Weasley.

The Weasley siblings weren't there for some reason, you had only ever met Charlie though. The others never really wanted to come to your house, Grimmauld Place.

Sirius Black was your birth father and still is, your mother passed away for an unknown reason and he had been raising you and your siblings with just the help of his friends, mainly Uncle Remus though. He wanted you and the others to have your mothers last name, Anderson.

"Hey, sweetheart." Your father said. "Jamie and Theo coming down too? You lot have to leave for the train soon."

"Definitely not Theodore." You said whilst giving Christopher a dirty look. "Chris, can I talk to you for a minute please?"

"Yeah, sure.." He said and followed you out of the kitchen, round the corner and into the empty living room. "What do you want-"

You slapped him in the face and started pushing and pushing him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you!!!" You yelled. "You fucking disgust me, Christopher! Why did you do it, huh?"

"Why did I do what?" He acted oblivious with a stupid smirk on his face, knowing fully well what he had done.

With the yelling, Dominic and Anthony came into the living room and saw Chris still being pushed by you.

Dominic came and grabbed you to make you stop, Anthony was just standing there with Chris.

"What's going on? Why are you pushing my younger brother?" Dominic, your boyfriend, asked you strangely.

"Why don't you ask Theo." You said.

"Oh fuck, don't tell me you-" Anthony started to say before you interrupted.

"Yes he did. Theo walked in on him fucking a girl. A girl." You repeated.

He made you feel physically sick. How could someone do that to their own boyfriend?

"I'm gonna take Chris home, see if he wants to tell our father what he's done." Anthony said and grabbed Chris by the arm, dragging him out whilst yelling goodbye.

Dominic, Anthony and Christopher's mother and father adore you and your siblings. They raised you, Jamie and Theodore when your father was in Azkaban and Remus went away for a while.

They cared for you three when no one else did or could. They were like your second family, they'd do anything to protect any one of you.

"I missed you." Your boyfriend said as you sighed and wrapped your arms around his waist, his hands resting on your hips.

You stood on your tip toes to kiss his lips before going back to resting your head on his chest.

"I missed you." You told Dominic.

That is officially the first chapter of my new story Forgotten!!! I hope you like it so far, only one chapter in and there's already been some tears and drama.

Word count : 1091 :)

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