Saturday visits

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TW: drugs (cocaine, weed, and pills), alcohol abuse, mention of throwing up (no details)

Venny is readers wife

Writing this partially based off of my life right now so enjoy ;)

You had been sober for 2 years. Life was good. You got married to the Wilhemina Venable, you got a job working with your wife; life was peaceful. But over the summer, something changed in you. You decided that life was too short to be sober. It started out as drinking occasionally. Just one drink won't hurt. Of course your wife knew about your past struggles with your alcoholism. Your whole hometown knew. Hiding this from her started out easy. "I'm not feeling well" turned into "I'm just tired" until you started running out of excuses. But it was just alcohol so it's not a big deal, right?

That's until you started getting closer to your coworkers, Jeff and Mutt. Their cocaine habits started calling out to you, until you finally picked up the phone. It was a Monday and your hangover was the worst one yet. You kissed your wife goodbye in the lobby and practically ran up to Jeff and Mutt's office, which Wilhemina found odd. You'd usually walk her to her office, get her a coffee, and then go and start your work. She shook it off, thinking that you were just in a rush to get started. But the truth is, she knew that something had been going on with you. She'd hear you sneak out of bed in the middle of the night and go downstairs, and no matter how quiet you'd think you were, she suspected that she'd hear the quiet sounds of you vomiting in the bathroom early in the morning. But she shook it off, convincing herself that you were okay. But you weren't.

Reaching their office, you barged in and immediately started cutting up lines.

"Well good morning to you too". You rolled your eyes at Jeff's words and started snorting a line. You hadn't done this since college, but boy oh boy did it feel good.

"Sit." Mutt pulled up a spinny chair for you and handed you a blunt. Taking a few hits, you told them that you should go to your office before Wilhemina caught you with them.

The hallways felt like they were closing in on you. You shut your eyes and made your way into your office and closed the door. You needed more. No amount of drugs was enough for you. You threw yourself onto the couch in your office and pulled out a bag of Wilhemina's pain pills from your backpack. About .5 secounds after taking the pills with a shot of vodka, there was a familiar knock at your door. It was her. You quickly threw the pills back into your bag and said, "come in".

"Hey love, are you okay?" Oh shit. You forgot that you were laying on the couch instead of working at your desk.

"Yeah I'm good. Just tired and needed a break." Your words came out slurred but you didn't even notice. But she did. You started silently giggling when you realized that there were 2 of her standing there.

She walked towards you and moved your legs, sitting down next to you on the couch. "What's going on with you? It's like you're a different person. This isn't the person I married."

You broke down, realizing how much your secret drug use affected her. "I'm sorry, i'm sorry, i'm sorry." You couldn't stop repeating it.

She grabbed you, holding you close to her chest as tears flowed onto her purple blouse. "Why are you sorry? What happened?"

"I relapsed. I'm so sorry".

"Please tell me what you're on sweetheart. Let me help you."

You told her about the substances swirling through your body and heard her sigh.

"Please don't be mad at Jeff and Mutt. They didn't know. It's my fault not theirs." She held you as tight as she possibly could.

"Baby I'm sorry, but it's time." You were so confused.

"Time for what?"

"Rehab. You can't keep living like this."

You knew she was right. If you tried to detox by yourself, it would be a living hell. Not to mention the fact that it could kill you.


Your wife immediately took you home and you packed a bag for your month long stay.

As she dropped you off, she said, "You are the strongest person I know. You've got this. I'll be here to visit every Saturday. I love you so incredibly much."

And you knew that she did, for no one has ever cared for you as much as she has. "I love you too".

And with that, you walked inside and embarked on a new journey.

Not proofread so I hope it doesn't suck. Shed a few tears while writing this lmaooo.

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