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Soon enough El came down to take a seat, thanking Joyce for cooking before digging into her pancakes.

"Did you finish it?" I asked her as I swallowed my bite.
"Finish what?" She asked, sounding confused by my sudden question.

"Your project, about Hopper." I clarified, referencing to her stealing all my brushes earlier.

"Oh, no! But it should be done tommorow and when it's done it'll look very good." She said with a smile, very proud of her creation.

"Well I bet they'll love it- " Mom went to encourage El, but just as she did the phone started to ring and she let out a sigh.

"I'm sorry guys, you'll have to ride with Jonathan again this morning, I have to do calls early again today." She told us as she started to stride out of the kitchen.

El gave me a look as mom left the kitchen, one of which I returned.
We both knew she had been running laps trying to get things done, but at the end of the day it all seemed to unravel again and she had to do the same things over and over.

Usually she could drive us to school, but lately things have been getting worse.
She's been getting calls earlier and earlier, and at first she was excited to get earlier calls, but now it's just a big burden.

"She's too busy. She needs a break." El said before taking a drink of her orange juice, I nodded at her in agreement.

"I know, she definitely deserves one, but of course you can't just take a break because you need one. She's already on the line getting to work from home. If they found out she was slacking, she might as well start looking for a new job." I told her, mostly referencing her strict bosses.

El nodded and went to say something but suddenly a set of loud footsteps followed by a coughing fit came from the staircase.

Jonathan tumbled into the kitchen, smelling highly of weed and looking super stoned.

"You guys guys ready? Ar-Argyle's here." Jonathan said, sounding very disoriented and out of breath.

"Already? This is early for him." I stated, El agreeing from infront of me.

"Well we have places to be so he came- uh early-" he once again let out another cough before shaking it off, and continuing his words.
"Lets go."

Me and El jumped up, putting our plates and forks in the sink before grabbing our bags and heading for the front door.

Mom noticed us and she smiled at us, bringing the phone away from her ear as an angry sounding woman rambled on. She covered her speaking end of the phone and mouthed a 'Love you'.

We whispered that we loved her back before rushing out the door, hearing the very loud sound of Argyles pizza delivery vans horn honking at us.

When we made it to the van, Jonathan slid the back door of the van open for me and El to get in, we both hopped into the back and took a seat.

Jonathan hopped in the passenger and Argyle shifted out of park and into drive, but before he took off he sniffed the air, an expression of familiarization crossed his face.

"What the heck, man?" He said to Jonathan, pushing his shoulder back.

"What?" Jonathan asked, looking at Argyle with a confused stare.

"You've been doping without me? That's not cool, man. That's not cool." Argyle shook his head with disappointment, beginning to drive off.

"What do you mean? I smoke without you, like, everyday." Jonathan confessed, rubbing his eyes as he spoke.

Possibly Forever (Will Byers x Female reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora