Chapter 14 - Memories

Start from the beginning

"Ah, nothing". He had a massive smile crossing his face and I knew he was hiding something.

"Something has happened with a girl hasn't it?" He sighed happily.

"I may have been in Bree Harding's bed last night". Harry had been crushing on Bree for like a year.

"Good on you Hazza". I looked up to see Louis smiling even wider than Harry was.

"Lou got a girl too!" I shouted. He looked down, blushing a little.


So, there is no way that they're gay..right? They couldn't be. There's still the whole male voice saying 'I love you' situation with Harry. At least I think that happened. Maybe the mystery blonde is a guy? But no, it couldn't be. It's Harry and Louis. They're as straight as anything!

"AUSTIN! Get ready for school!" I groaned and got dressed, slowly making my way to the kitchen. "Finally. Drink this, I know you have a hangover". Mum gave me an accusing look and I guiltily looked down, drinking the distasteful drink. I grabbed my backpack and walked out the door. I don't know how I'm going to confront Harry, but I've gotta do it somehow. And if he is gay, which I highly doubt, how do I act? I've always thought that a guy and a guy together is disgusting, but what if that's how Harry feels? What if a guy is the type that makes him happy? What if he's in love with a guy? I shivered at that thought. I couldn't get used to it. It's gross. But can I accept it? It's not like I can change Harry. If that's who Harry is then there's nothing I can do. I'll just have to support him. I love Harry. I do. I love it when he's happy. But my friend, gay? I don't know what to think. But maybe I'm worried about nothing. Maybe he isn't. We would always talk about girls whenever I was at his house or he was at mine. We'd just muck around and have fun. I mean, that's what you usually do when you sleep at your mates house, right?

When we were still in grade four and five I would always go to Harry's house and we would watch movies like The Lion King, or we'd watch power rangers. I miss having that much fun with him. I never really see him anymore. He's always really hanging out with the cheerleaders and I'm off with my girlfriend Vanessa. I should talk to her actually. I don't even know who that girl was that was hanging off me last night. I don't know what happened with her either. Oh god, what if I didn't use protection? A shiver ran up my spine. I am pretty sure that I was wasted. Harry helped me ask Vanessa out. I was such a wimp. I kept on using excuses like 'what if she doesn't like me?' And 'what if she rejects me?' I am pretty sure I was hopeless at asking her out too. I think I just asked her if she wanted to go on a date with me to the movies or something. Too obvious. I should've been so much more romantic. I mean the movies? Good going Austin.


How do I act when I confront Harry? Do I act angry? Do I just stay calm? It is now recess and I don't know what I'm going to do. How do I do this? I saw Harry walking out of a classroom. I quickly walked up to him and saw a familiar set of blonde hair behind him. But I didn't pay much attention to it. "Hello Styles". Okay, I guess I'm going with the harsh tone. "I saw you hugging that blonde last night. No I didn't forget. You have some explaining to do". Shock crossed his face and I knew he was hiding something. If he is gay, then I'm going to accept it. He has helped me through so much and I need to accept him for who he is. He stopped the bullying. If he hadn't of stood up for me then I wouldn't be who I am today. I owe him. "Come with me". I walked towards the boys locker rooms and stood still, waiting for Harry to be right behind me. I turned around and could see the fear in his eyes. He's afraid of what I'm going to think. Say. Oh no..

"How much do you know?" His tone had a scared ring to it. I took a deep breath.

"I know that you were on the phone to someone yesterday and they said they love you.." He sighed, looking down. "And I saw you hugging some blonde really tightly last night and I think, from what I remember, you"

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