Once I've eaten it all, the dessert appears, including the treacle tart. YAY! I excitedly flap my hands.

Hermione giggles. "The treacle tart is here."

Ron is already eating some. "Can you blame him? It's great!"

I take as much as I can, eating it a bit too fast.

"I can't eat too much, my teeth, Ron."

Fred chuckles a little once I've eaten a little too much. "I knew the minute I saw those happy flaps. Do Muggles not eat dessert?"

George nudges him. "Harry's Muggle relatives are absolute sticks in the mud, Gred."

I have a slight tummy ache. But it was worth it! Hermione winces. "Oh, Harry, your poor teeth. Don't forget to brush! I know you didn't yesterday."

No! I unhappily start rocking again. "I don't like tooth brushing. Toothpaste is yucky."

Ron wrinkles his nose. "I've seen your weird Muggle toothpaste, mate. You need the Wizarding World kind."

Huh? I tilt my head. "Does it taste better?"

Hermione bounces on the bench with excitement. "YES! They do, Harry! They even have dessert flavored ones."

George snickers. "Even treacle tart ones. That's the newest flavor."

I flap my hands again. "Really?!"

Percy sniffs with disapproval. "Don't encourage him."

Fred rolls his eyes. "Perce, why not? He's missed out on so much of the Wizarding World."

George winks at me. "Next Hogsmeade weekend, Harry, we'll get you treacle tart flavored toothpaste."

YAY! I can't help giggling. "Thank you, Fred. I mean George."

Hermione beams. "That's genius! I just might have to try that myself."


"Hey, Harry. What are you doing, mate?"

I'm counting all the books on the H shelf in the library. I was bored and I realized counting calms me down. "Counting books. You should try it. It makes me feel better."

Ron comes over, wrinkling his nose. "I don't like counting."

I laugh a little. "That's okay."


"Tie those shoes, Mr. Potter. Or I'll deduct House points for looking sloppy."

Snape leaves with a swish of robes. I can't tie my shoes! Ron and Hermione look at each other as I rock back and forth on my feet, clutching my hair.

Ron insists, "Just tie them, Harry. It's not that hard. We can't lose more points."

I'm getting close to crying. They're going to be mad at me! I can't tie my shoes and now they're mad! Despite knowing I can't do it, I kneel down and try my best.

When the laces don't cooperate with my stupid fingers, I pull at my collar. It's too tight. It's too tight!

"Harry, come on, mate..."

Filled with frustration, I angrily yell with tears in my eyes, "I TRIED!"

"Ron...I don't think he can tie them. Here, Harry. I'll do it."

Hermione bends down and ties my laces. I sniffle and flap my hands when she ties them snugly. I like my shoes snug. "Thank you, Hermione."

Ron joins us on the floor. "Mione, you did it too tight!"

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