9: Akabane Karma (under-editing)

Start from the beginning

Mei giggled.

"Then you should definitely take more!" she said eagerly, shoving more cupcakes into Arina's bag. Arina lowkey grinned for being able to satisfy Mei with words only.

"Oh, Mei-chan, you're whom I adore so much. THANK YOU very -- very much for being always so sweet to me. I somehow think we're something of kindred spirits, aren't we? I shall get going now. I wouldn't want to be late for my visit to-- I mean, for my meeting with friends!" waved Arina happily, as she checked the time and hurried her way out of the main building to the class 3-E's building.

While she was already halfway to her precious 3-E senpais, she realized that she forgot something. It was Seo's in need of help that she forgot, he asked her to help him photocopy some documents for the student council's work this afternoon to which she agreed out of kindness.

Arina panicked and immediately changed her direction to a convenience store nearby.

'Oh dear me, fifteen minutes more, hope I could make it by then!' Arina thought whilst checking the time on her phone screen, she was referring to the time when the student council meeting start.

She intended to put her phone away when it suddenly rang, she stared at it while the words on the screen were 'NOT SO CLASSY SEO' who was calling her. She swiped right to answer the phone call knowing what he was up to.

["Arina!! Where are my papers!?"] yelled Seo exactly like what she expected him to. She quickly responded back.

"Oh, dear Seo! I'm SO very sorry! I'm on my way now!"

["Hurry up!! Asano-kun is scolding me because of you!"]

"Waaaait," she began to acknowledge that there was such a thing called 'justice' in this world. "Why, it's your job, Seo. Oh, Seo -- irresponsible Seo, you should've done it earlier so you wouldn't have to rely on a such a forgetful person like me. I didn't like how I'm forgetful, but maybe you should too feel sorry for your irresponsible self--"

["Why would I!?"] questioned Seo through the phone.

There were strange noises coming out from the alley she was passing by. She halted her footstep and had an urge to discover what was happening in there.

"Hold on," Arina told Seo as he got confused.

["What do you mean!? Hey—"]

Before he could finish his sentence, he got hanged up by Arina as she put away her phone and marched into the alley.

"3-E, you mean that 3-E?"

Her eyes widened at what she was witnessing; Ito Itachi—class 3-E's class monitor--was lying on the ground, injured. Beside him was a redheaded boy, pinching another Kunugigaoka student's face against the wall.

"What an awful pretext for picking a fight," the redheaded boy said in a soothing voice tone.

"Oh, my, my!" gasped Arina wide-eyed, and from marching, she converted into running whilst yelling.

"Poor guy -- Put him down you evil redhead!!"

"Huh? I'm on the right here. What's wrong with saving a bullied student?" the redhead replied.

"Oh, it IS wrong to bully him back!" Arina rushed toward the spot and proclaimed passionately.

The mysterious redhead ignored her.

"Pretty please, would you release him?" she uttered in desperation, clasping her hands together.

Fortunately for the guy, the redheaded boy actually listened and let go of his face, he slid and flopped down to the ground.

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